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The wiki has 227 articles.


API basic tutorial : This article is a basic tutorial explaining how to use the generator in another Java applicationy
API documentation configuration : This article explains how to specify internal APIs documentations languages, used in the apidoc element
API documentation elements basic tutorial : This article is a basic tutorial explaining how to reference APIs in the wiki
APIs and Mediawikis configuration file : Configure how to access external APIs and wikis
APIs documentation : This article presents the elements which link to APIs or embed APIs in the wiki
APIs elements : This article presents the elements which link to APIs or embed APIs in the wiki
APIs property : Configure how to access external APIs and wikis
Access to external links : Configure how to access external links
Adding an element in the Editor tree : This article presents how to add elements in the Editor tree
Adding properties : This article explains how to add properties supported by the tool
Algorithm : This article presents the way the tool works
Ant integration : This article is about how to integrate the wiki generator in ant build files
Apidoc element : This article explains how the apidoc element can be used
Articles : Article files are XML files which define the articles in the wiki
Articles titles : This article explains how to customize the articles titles in the browser
a element : The a element allows to add included embedded html content
apidoc : This article explains how the apidoc element can be used
apidoc configuration : This article explains how to specify internal APIs documentations languages, used in the apidoc element
apidocs property : This article explains how to specify internal APIs documentations languages, used in the apidoc element
archiveurl element : The archiveurl element allows to add included embedded html content for an archived content in the Internet Wayback machine
areaRef element : This article explains the how to use the areaRef element


Background : The optional background image or color to use for the articles page
Basic configuration : This article presents the basic usage and configuration of the tool
Basic usage : This article presents the basic usage and configuration of the tool
Bullet style : This article explains how to customize the bullet style of lists


CSS : The "css" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify a custom StyleSheet for the HTML result
CSS selectors : This article explains the correspondance from elements to CSS selectors
CSharp generic API : This article presents the CSharp generic API
Categories : This article explains the concept of categories
Categories description : This article explains the concent of categories description files
Chapters and titles : Chapters and titles allow to define sections in the articles ("<Hi>" html tag)
Character encoding : This article explains what character encoding is used for the input or the output files
Checking external links : This article presents how the checking of external links is performed
Checking local links : This article presents how to use the acceptLocalLinks property
Checking the content of the Help archive : This article explain how to use the tools to check the content of the Help archive
Code, pre and source background : This article explains how to customize the background of code, pre and source elements
Colors : This article explains how to specify colors
Command-line : This article is about how to execute the application by the command-line without showing the UI
Command-line starting : This article is about how to execute the application by the command-line without showing the UI
Comment : The "comment" element allows to add a comment in the wiki
Comments system : This article is about the review system
Comparison with JavaHelp : This article compares the help feature of docJGenerator with the JavaHelp system
Comparison with Markdown syntax : This article compares the docJGenerator syntax to the Markdown syntax
Comparison with other wikis softwares : This article compares the docJGenerator features with other wikis softwares
Comparison with wikipedia syntax : This article compares the docJGenerator syntax to the wikipedia syntax
Configuration : This article explains how to configure the tool
Configuration file : It is possible to define an optional property / value configuration file when starting the application (using the graphical UI or the command line)
Content of the help zip file : This article presents the content of the help archive
Context-sensitive Help : This article explains how to use the context-sensitive Help
Context-sensitive Help JavaFX tutorial : This article is tutorial which explains how to add a Context-sensitive Help to a JavaFX application
Context-sensitive Help Swing tutorial : This article is tutorial which explains how to add a Context-sensitive Help to a Swing application
Context-sensitive Help tutorial : This article is tutorial which explains how to add a Context-sensitive Help to a Swing application
Custom StyleSheet : The "css" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify a custom StyleSheet for the HTML result
Custom element styles : This article explains the two ways to customize the elements style
Custom left menu : It is possible to add custom items in the left menu, or even to completely change it
Custom menus : It is possible to add a custom content to the left menu, and also add a custom right menu to the index file
Custom properties : This article explains how to implements custom properties for Plugins
Custom search : This article explains how to customize the search to define custom search categories
Custom search categories : This article explains how to customize the search to define custom search categories
Custom search specification : This article explains how to specify the custom search categories
Customizing articles titles : This article explains how to customize the articles titles in the browser
Customizing the elements style : This article explains the two ways to customize the elements style
Customizing the wiki : This article explains how to customize the wiki presentation
condition : This article explains how to specify conditions
condition elements : This article explains how to specify conditions
count property : This article presents the count property which can be used in the wiki


DOCX content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
DOCX custom CSS support : This article explains the level of support for the custom CSS styles by the docx generation
DOCX generation : This article explains how to generate a Word file rather than an HTML site
DOCX generation configuration : This article explains how to configure the generation of the PDF or DOCX file
DOCX generation plugin : This article explains how to generate a Word file rather than an HTML site
DOCX syntax support : This article explains the level of support for the syntax by the docx generation
Default left menu : The default content of the left menu contains:
Dependencies : This article is about the libraries dependencies of docJGenerator
Developing the Library : This article explains how to develop the library
Dictionary : The wiki generator automatically generates a dictionary of all the articles
Directory writer : This article explains how to creata a custom directory writer for a Plugin
Disambiguation articles : Disambiguation articles allow to specify an article which will point to several articles of approaching names
Distribution : This article is about the distribution of the tool
DocGenHelp : This article explains how to use the JavaHelp-like feature of the tool
DocGenerator API configuration : This article presents how to configure the wiki content through docJGenerator API
DocGenerator API: creating the wiki content : This article presents how to create the wiki content through docJGenerator API
DocGenerator API: importing articles : This article explains how to import XML articles in the docJGenerator API
DocGenerator API: merging several generations : This article presents how to merge several generations in the docGenerator API
DocGenerator API: opaque articles : Opaque articles are articles which can be used in references, but for which no file will be generated in the wiki
DocGenerator API: sentence style : This article presents how to specify the style of a sentence in the API
DocGenerator API: sentences : This article presents how to add a sentence in the API
DocGenerator API: setting the menus : This article presents how to set the content of the wiki menus through docJGenerator API
DocGenerator Help feature : This article explains how to use the JavaHelp-like feature of the tool
DocGenerator editor : This article explains the DocGenerator editor
DocJGenerator API : This article presents an overview of the docJGenerator API
DocJGenerator API overview : This article presents an overview of the docJGenerator API
Document content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
Document generation tutorial : This article is a tutorial which explains how to generate a PDF or DOCX document
Docx hand-written html articles support : This article explains the level of support for hand-written html articles by the docx generation
Doxygen generic API : This article presents the Doxygen generic API
doc files : This article is about the doc-files directories which contain resource files
doc-files : This article is about the doc-files directories which contain resource files


Editing in the Editor tree : This article presents how to add or delete elements in the Editor tree
Editor : This article explains the DocGenerator editor
Editor XML elements : This article presents the list of XML elements in the Editor
Editor autocomplete : The editor autocomplete field is an auto-complete Search allowing to search in the articles exactly as in the wiki
Editor content panel : This article is about the right panel of the Editor which shows the content of the currently selected element in the tree
Editor editing content : This article is about editing an article or any element in the editor
Editor edition mode : This article is about editing an article or any element in the editor
Editor options : This article explains the Editor options panel
Editor popup menu elements list : This article presents the list of elements which can be added in the Editor popup menu
Editor requirements : This article explains the requirements of the DocGenerator editor
Editor search : The editor search button allows to search for elements in the wiki
Editor search in page : This article is about the capability to search in a Page in the Editor
Editor trash : This editor trash allows to manage the trash in the editor
Editor tree : This article is about the left panel of the editor window, which shows the tree of the wiki
Editor tree dependencies : This article presents the Dependencies window in the Editor tree
Editor tutorial : This article is a tutorial explaining how to use the editor
Editor window : This article explains the content of the Editor window
Element names unicity : This article is about the element names unicity
ElementHook : This article explains how to implements the ElementHook to modify the wiki source tree content before the generation
ElementHook tree visit : This article explains how the ElementHook is called to modify the wiki source tree content
Elements declarations : This article explains how to handle element declarations in the Scripts
Elements to CSS selectors : This article explains the correspondance from elements to CSS selectors
End elements : This article explains the XML tags which can be used at the beginning of articles
Enforcing packages dependencies : This article explains how to enforce package dependencies
Epub content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
Epub generation : This article explains how to generate a Epub document rather than an HTML site
Epub generation configuration : This article explains how to configure the generation of the Epub file
Epub generation plugin : This article explains how to generate a Epub document rather than an HTML site
Error messages : This article presents the list of errors which can be emitted during the parsing
Errors : This article explains how errors are handled in the parsing
Errors list : This article presents the list of errors which can be emitted during the parsing
Errors viewer : This article explains how parsing errors are presented in the tool
Escaping characters : This article explains how to escape characters in the articles content
Escaping non UTF8 characters : This article explains how to escape non UTF8 characters in the articles content
Executing unit tests : This article explains how to execute and order unit tests


FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions
Fallback articles : Fallback articles allow to specify articles which will be used where a reference to another article point to an article which does not exist
First tutorial : This article is a tutorial explaining how to create your first wiki
Footer : This article is about the Footer and Header specifications
Footer and header files : This article is about the Footer and Header specifications


GUI Generation options : This article presents the generation options of the GUI
GUI interface : This article is about the GUI interface of the application
GUI tools : This article presents the GUI tools menu
Generic API styles : This article presents the generic styles used by the apidocs configuration
Generic API types : This article explains which elements are managed by each generic API type
Generic apidocs API styles : This article presents the generic styles used by the apidocs configuration
Generic apidocs API types : This article explains which elements are managed by each generic API type
Glossary : This article explains the glossary


HTML entities list : This article shows the list of handled HTML entities
Hand written articles tutorial : This article is a tutorial explaining how to add hand-written html articles in the wiki
Hand-written articles : A raw html article is not using the docGenerator syntax, but is a hand-written html file
Hand-written html articles : A raw html article is not using the docGenerator syntax, but is a hand-written html file
Handling HTML entities : This article explains how to handle HTML entities in articles content
Header : This article is about the Footer and Header specifications
Header tutorial : This article is a tutorial which explains how to customize your header
Help API : This article presents an overview of the Help API
Help API overview : This article presents an overview of the Help API
Help JavaFX API : This article explains how to use the Help JavaFX API
Help Swing API : This article explains how to use the Help Swing API
Help archive : This article presents the content of the help archive
Help content StyleSheet configuration : This article explains how to configure the StyleSheet for the help content
Help content configuration : This article explains how to configure the help content
Help content optimization : This article explains how to configure how the help content will be encoded
Help format checker : This article explain how to use the tools to check the content of the Help archive
Help search : This article is about the autocompletion field in the help GUI to search in articles
Help search in page : This article is about the capability to search in a Page in the help GUI
Help system : This article explains how to use the JavaHelp-like feature of the tool
Help system JavaFX tutorial : This article is tutorial which explains how to produce and use a Help content in a JavaFX application
Help system Swing themes tutorial : This article is tutorial which explains how to produce and use a Help content with StyleSheet themes in a Swing application
Help system Swing tutorial : This article is tutorial which explains how to produce and use a Help content in a Swing application
Help system dependencies : This article explains the libraries dependencies of the help system
Help system tutorial : This article is tutorial which explains how to produce and use a Help content in a Swing application
Help usage : This article explains the usage of the Help component
History : This article explains the major updates of the tool
How to : This article explains how to use the syntax of the tool
html : The html element allows to add included embedded html content
html element : The html element allows to add included embedded html content


Image definition : This article is about specifying and using image files
Image files : This article is about specifying and using image files
Image map converter : This article explains the how to use the ImageMapConverter application
Image margins : This article explains how to use the margin element in images and images definitions
Images : This article explains the how to use the img element
Import JavaHelp errors list : This article presents the list of errors which can be emitted when importing JavaHelp content
Importing JavaHelp content : This article explains how to convert JavaHelp content to the docJGenerator Help content format
Including html content : There are two ways to include hand-written html content in the wiki:
Incremental generation : This article explains how the incremental generation mode is working and how to configure it
Incremental generation file : This article presents the content of the incremental generation mode file
Index : This article explains the concept of the articles index
Index article : This article explains the concept of the articles index
Infobox definition : This article explains how to specify infobox templates
Infobox template : This article explains how to specify infobox templates
Input and ouput : This article explains the input and output command-line options
Input and ouput arguments : This article explains the input and output command-line options
Internal API documentation configuration : This article explains how to specify internal APIs documentations languages, used in the apidoc element
img element : This article explains the how to use the img element
infobox : This article explains the how to use the infobox element
infobox element : This article explains the how to use the infobox element


Java generic API : This article presents the Java generic API
JavaHelp : This article explains how to use the JavaHelp-like feature of the tool
Javadocs APIs : Configure how to access external Javadocs APIs
Justification : This article explains how to justify articles content
javadoc : The "javadoc" element allows to define a link to a Java class documentation for an API
javadoc element : The "javadoc" element allows to define a link to a Java class documentation for an API


Language API : Several elements allows to show a link to different a programming language API:
Library API : This article presents an overview of the docJGenerator API
License : License
Linking to local resources : This article explains how to link to local resources (which can be images, files, or APIs)
List bullet style : This article explains how to customize the bullet style of lists
List of XML elements in the Editor : This article presents the list of XML elements in the Editor
Localization : This article explains how to customize the localization of the wiki article pages


Manual glossary : This article explains the glossary manual policy
Markdown : This article explains the syntax which is supported by the tool
Markdown markup : This article explains the supported Markdown markup
Markdown syntax : This article explains the syntax which is supported by the tool
Math : This article is about the syntax for mathematical formulas
Mathematical formulas : This article is about the syntax for mathematical formulas
Mediawiki : This article explains the Mediawiki syntax which is supported by the tool
Mediawiki markup : This article explains the supported Mediawiki markup
Mediawiki syntax : This article explains the Mediawiki syntax which is supported by the tool
Mediawikis : Configure how to access external Mediawikis
Menus : It is possible to add a custom content to the left menu, and also add a custom right menu to the index file
messageBox : The "messageBox" element allows to enter a warning or informative message associated with an image
messageBox element : The "messageBox" element allows to enter a warning or informative message associated with an image


Naming constraints : This article is about the naming constraints of the articles
Naming unicity : This article is about the element names unicity


Opaque articles : Opaque articles are articles which can be used in references, but for which no file will be generated in the wiki
Opening the GUI : This article explains how to open the GUI
Ordering unit tests : This article explains how to execute and order unit tests
Output formats : This article is about the outputType configuration property
Output structure : This article presents the output structure of the wiki
OutputType configuration property : This article is about the outputType configuration property
Overview : This article presents an overview of the tool


PDF and DOCX content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
PDF and DOCX generation configuration : This article explains how to configure the generation of the PDF or DOCX file
PDF content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
PDF custom CSS support : This article explains the level of support for the custom CSS styles by the PDF generation
PDF generation : This article explains how to generate a PDF file rather than an HTML site
PDF generation configuration : This article explains how to configure the generation of the PDF or DOCX file
PDF generation plugin : This article explains how to generate a PDF file rather than an HTML site
PDF syntax support : This article explains the level of support for the syntax by the PDF generation
Packages : This article explains how to use the generator with more than one root directory
Packages dependencies : This article explains how to enforce package dependencies
Packages tutorial : This article is a tutorial using Packages to separate Open Source and Closed Source content in your wiki
PageRank : This article is about the PageRank algorithm which can be used with the Search box
PageRank algorithm : This article is about the PageRank algorithm which can be used with the Search box
Performance : This article explains how to speed-up the performance of the generator
Plugin ElementHook : This article explains how to implements the ElementHook to modify the wiki source tree content before the generation
Plugins : This article explains the Plugins framework
Plugins custom properties : This article explains how to implements custom properties for Plugins
Plugins framework : This article explains the Plugins framework
Prerequisites : This article is about the prerequisites of docJGenerator
Programmming language API : Several elements allows to show a link to different a programming language API:
Projects using docJGenerator : This article presents a list of projects which use the docJGenerator tool to generate their documentation
Properties : This article presents the general properties which can be used in the wiki
Property : This article presents the general properties which can be used in the wiki
Python generic API : This article presents the Python generic API
pre : This article is about the syntax for the pre element
pre syntax : This article is about the syntax for the pre element


Qt APIs : Configure how to access external Qt APIs


Raw html article : A raw html article is not using the docGenerator syntax, but is a hand-written html file
Redirect articles : Redirect articles allow to create an article with a redirection to another article or even a title or anchor in another article
References : This article explains the concept of inter-wiki links
Refresh Editor Tree : This article explains the action which allows to redfresh the editor tree under a directory
Regular article : Regular articles are the pages composing the wiki, similar to Wikipedia articles
Relaxed Syntax : This article is about the relaxed syntax which can be used on the articles
Resolution step : This article explains how the inter-wiki links are resolved
Resolving inter-wiki links : This article explains how the inter-wiki links are resolved
Resource files : This article is about specifying and using resource files
Review : This article is about the review system
Review system : This article is about the review system
Review system tutorial : This article is a tutorial explaining how to add a review system to your wiki
Root directories and packages : This article explains how to use the generator with more than one root directory
Root directory : This article explains how to use the generator with more than one root directory


Saving a configuration file : This article explains how to save a configuration file with the current state of the GUI
Scripting : This article explains how to use the Scripting Plugin
Scripts : This article explains how to use the Scripting Plugin
Scripts plugin : This article explains how to use the Scripting Plugin
Search : This article is about the Search box which is shown on articles
Search box : This article is about the Search box which is shown on articles
Second packages tutorial : This article is a tutorial using Packages to separate finished from unfinished content in your wiki
Second tutorial : This article is a tutorial which explains the concepts of imagas and resources
Setting a background : The optional background image or color to use for the articles page
Setting the help locale : By default the localization of the help GUI is the Platform default localization but it is possible to change it
Showing the wiki status : This article explains how to show the wiki status in the wiki
Specifying the index : This article explains the use case of specifying the index in the configuration
Starting elements : This article explains the XML tags which can be used at the beginning of articles
Structure of a unit test : This article explains the structure of a unit test
Stylable syntax elements : This article explains the correspondance from elements to CSS selectors
StyleSheet theme : The "styleSheetTheme" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify the StyleSheet theme for the HTML result
StyleSheet theme tutorial : This article is a tutorial which explains how to a custom StyleSheet theme for the wiki
Syntax : This article explains the XML tags which can be used to specify the articles syntax
Syntax end elements : This article explains the XML tags which can be used at the beginning of articles
Syntax highlighting : This article explains how the syntax highlighting in the pre or source elements work
Syntax justification elements : This article explains the XML tags which can be used to specify the articles justification
Syntax overview : This article presents an overview of the tags supported in the XML syntax
Syntax starting elements : This article explains the XML tags which can be used at the beginning of articles


Table of content configuration : It is possible to configure if and how the table of content is shown in the html output for each article
Templates : A template is similar to a regular article but has the top-level element "template"
Theme : The "styleSheetTheme" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify the StyleSheet theme for the HTML result
Todo : The "todo" element allows to add a "TODO" in the wiki
Todolist : The "todo" element allows to add a "TODO" in the wiki
Troubleshooting : Troubleshooting
Tutorials : This article presents a list of tutorials
Types of files : This article explains the types of files which can be found in the wiki input
table : This article explains the XML tags which can be used to specify tables
table element : This article explains the XML tags which can be used to specify tables
tree : The "tree" element defines a tree
tree element : The "tree" element defines a tree


Unit tests categories : This article presents the unit tests categories list
Usage in a headless environment : This article is about how to execute the application in a headless environment
Usage of packages : This article explains how the use cases of packages
Use docJGenerator as an API : This article presents an overview of the docJGenerator API
Using the Help API with manually produced content : This article explains how to produce the Help content manually


Wiki content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
Wiki editor tutorial : This article is a tutorial explaining how to use the editor
Wiki output overview : This article presents an overview of the wiki web site output
Wiki source tree : This article presents the concept of the wiki source tree
Wiki status : This article explains how to show the wiki status in the wiki
Word generation : This article explains how to generate a Word file rather than an HTML site


XML markup : This article explains the XML tags which can be used to specify the articles syntax

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.