Directory elements in the Editor tree have the following menu:
The "Refresh Tree" option will refresh the tree under the selected directory. It can be useful if you want to add images or resources in the wiki and use them without having to reload the complete wiki.
The "Refresh Tree" option will take care of:
Elements added in the wiki under the selected directory
Elements updated in the wiki under the selected directory
Elements deleted in the wiki under the selected directory
This action will work for images and resources, but also for all kinds of Editor XML elements.
Result on directories
The action will not go in sub-directories, so if you add a sub-directory under the directory you select for the action, this sub-directory will appear empty.
If a directory is a child of the selected directory, the icon of the directory will appear with a question mark to show that the content of the directory has not been retrieved.
See also
Editor tree: This article is about the left panel of the editor window, which shows the tree of the wiki