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The wiki generator automatically generates a dictionary of all the articles. This dictionnry can be accessed from any page in the wiki.

The element can also be spelled "dictionnary".

Adding a description to the dictionary

It is possible to add a content to the dictionary. This can be specified in an XML files with the "dictionary" root.
For example:
      The wiki has ${count} articles.

Prevent an article alternate title to be in the dictionary

Main Article: altTitle element

It is possible to prevent an article altTitle to be put in the dictionary and categories by setting its "dictionary" attribute to false.

For example:
   <article desc="article name">
     <altTitle desc="the other name" dictionary="false" />

Getting rid of the dictionary

The "hasDictionary" property in the configuration file or the command-line specifies if the wiki must have a dictionary (by default a dictionary is generated).

If the propety is set to false, then the dictionary will not be generated, even if the menu item for the dictionary is explictely specified in a custom left menu.

See also

Categories: structure

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.