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Raw html article

A raw html article is not using the docGenerator syntax, but is a hand-written html file. The attributes of the element defined in the wiki point to a hand-written html file, which can be on the disk or accessible on the Web.

A raw html article has the top-level element "rawHTML". It can contain:
  • An optional list of alternate titles for the article
  • A meta element at the top of the article, specifies the text which should be written as an explanation for an article in the dictionary or categories

You can see that you can't put a hand-written html file directly in the wiki source files. You must define an xml file with the rawHTML top-level element which will point to the html file you want to show.

Article XML attributes

A raw html article has the following attributes:
  • "desc": the article description
  • "id": (optional) an alternate article ID
  • "keepCase": (optional) true if the article description case should be kept as is (which means that the first character won't be forced as UpperCase in the HTML output)
  • "url": the url of the html file on which this article point
  • "frame": true if the html content is enclosed in a frame. See also frame
  • "removeNav": true if the nav elements should be removed. By default they are preserved.
  • "removeH1Titles": true if titles of level h1 should be skipped in the result
  • "titles": true if titles found in the hand-written html file must be added in the search box. See also titles

Html file url

The "url" attribute of the raw html article specifies where to find the hand-written html file to show. It can point to:
  • A relative path. In that case, the file will be in a "doc-files" sub-directory relative to the xml description
  • An absolute path
  • An http or https path
The generator will copy all the hand-written html files in a rawArticles directory in the wiki root[1]
See also output structure for more information
The generator will also copy the files referenced by these html files (such as the CSS StyleSheets they use) relative to these files in an associated child directory, even if they are not local or on remote directories. This means that you will normally be able to move the wiki wherever you want without any problem.

Url relative paths

If the path of the url attribute is relative, the file will be in a "doc-files" sub-directory relative to the xml description.
For example:
  <rawHTML desc="Pablo Picasso" url="Pablo Picasso.html"/>

Http or https urls

If the path of the url attribute points to a http or https resource, then the generator will get the resource from the network.

This way of pointing to the hand-written html file may cause you problems if these files are accessed through a PHP get command. The docJGenerator will not be able to get resources accessible as PHP resources. It is therefore advisable to save the html file you want to put in your wiki locally before using it for the generation.


The "frame" attribute allows to put the html content in a frame, preserving the header and the left menu.

By default the header and the customs menus are not visible, for example with the following article description:
   <rawHTML desc="article 2" url="L:/my/directory/Pablo Picasso.html"/>

Setting the value of this attribute to true will preserve the header and the customs menus. For example:
   <rawHTML desc="article 2" url="L:/my/directory/1349 (band) - Wikipedia.htm" frame="true"/>



The "titles" attribute allows to add the titles found in the hand-written html file in the search box. For example:
  <rawHTML desc="article 2" url="L:/my/directory/1349 (band) - Wikipedia.htm" titles="true"/>


The following description point to a "L:/my/directory/Pablo Picasso.html" file:
   <rawHTML desc="article 2" url="L:/my/directory/Pablo Picasso.html"/>
The following description point to a "Pablo Picasso.html" file under a "doc-files" sub-directory relative to this article declaration:
   <rawHTML desc="Pablo Picasso" url="Pablo Picasso.html"/>
The following description point to the same file, but will enclose the content in a frame:
   <rawHTML desc="Pablo Picasso" url="Pablo Picasso.html" frame="true"/>


  1. ^ See also output structure for more information

See also

Categories: structure | syntax

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.