<index> The index. </index>
<article desc="article1"> This is the first article. <title title="title1"/> Reference to <ref id="article2" /> <title title="title2"/> Reference to <ref id="article2#title" /> <title title="title3"/> The text under the title with a pre: <pre> This a is pre content </pre> <title title="title4"/> This is some <code>code</code> </article>Note that we put several titles and references in our index article, because it will be useful to see the aspect of the links and table of content with a custom theme.
<article desc="article2"> The second article. <title title="title"/> <pre syntax="java"> public void execute(int a) { _ System.out.println("Value: " + a); // we print the value } </pre> </article>
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:root { ... --wiki-lightbox-close-focus: #bbb; /* the color of the close button for the lightbox modal dialog when focusing on it */ color: white; background-color: black; }We will now set the theme in the "General" tab:
:root { --wiki-background: black; /* the background color for the table of content, the boxes, and the left menu */ --wiki-link: darkcyan; /* color of a normal link */ --wiki-link-visited: darkcyan; /* color of a visited link */ ... color: white; background-color: black; }We have the following StyleSheet theme for the example.
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