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Errors list

This article presents the list of errors which can be emitted during the parsing.

Note that a invalid XML files (relative to the XML Schema used to validate the files) will lead to errors redirected from the XML parser. For example, if you type at the start of an article:
   <altTitle name="my title" />
You will have a validation error because the altTitle element can not have a name attribute.

List of errors

Note that some errors presented here are warnings, which will only be shown if the associated configuration option or command-line option is set.

Configuration properties errors

These errors are raised if some command-line options are incorrect.

Error message Element Reason
Option ' option key' with value ' option value' is unsupported command-line The value for a command-line option is unsupported
Option ' option key' with value ' option value' is unparsable command-line The value for a command-line option is unparsable
Configuration file ' file path' not found configuration file The configuration file does not exist or could ne be opened
Inputs directory or directories not found input and ouput The input directory or directories are not found
Output directory ' directory path' not found input and ouput The output directory is not found

Structure errors

Error message Element Reason
Package ' package name' already defined packages dependencies A package definition was already found[1]
This is the case if the same package is defined more than once
Package ' package name' XML file at path file path invalid packages A package file is not well-formed
Element element type : Wrong Dependency from package ' packagr name' to package ' referenced package' packages dependencies An element which points to a reference has a wrong dependency (see package dependency error)
The creation of categories in file ' categories file name' is not allowed in Package ' package name', categories description skipped categories description There is a categories description file in a package, but it is not allowed to create categories in the package
The creation of category ' category name' is not allowed in Article ' article ID', creation of categories is not allowed in package package categories There is a category defined in an article, file in a package but it is not allowed to create categories in the package
There is already a Header for the wiki header There is already a Header for the wiki
There is already a Footer for the wiki footer There is already a Footer for the wiki
There is already an article with ID ' article ID' at file file path, added in a disambiguity article articles An article has already the same name (see element names unicity)
Article of ID ' article ID' has an identical alternate title with article ' article ID' articles The alternate title for the article is identical to another one
There is already a Category with ID ' category name' category A category has already the same name (see element names unicity)
The creation of a Category is not allowed in Package ' package ID', category ' category name' not created category A category has already the same name (see element names unicity)
No file in the input directory - There are no files in the input directory
No file in the inputs directories - There are no files in the inputs directories
No index file found index article There is no index file in the wiki[2]
This error will not be emitted if there is a global index. See also specifying the index for more information
Duplicate index file found, ' existing index path' index already found, ' index path' index skipped index article There are more than two index articles in the wiki[3]
This error will not be emitted if there is a global index, in that case index files found in the wiki will be skipped silently. See also specifying the index for more information
Article of ID ' article ID' reference the Glossary, but there is no Glossary glossary There is no glossary in the wiki, but an article reference the glossary
Circular include reference for article of ID ' article ID' and included article ' article ID' templates There is a graph of includes which goes back to the first root article
Included Article definition of ID ' article ID' does not exist for article ' article ID' templates There is no article for the include reference
Impossible to redirect index, No article of ID article ID redirect articles The article referred to by the redirect article does not exist

Elements syntax errors

Error message Element Reason
Wrong URL URL definition a element An URL definition is incorrect[4]
For example, it will be the case if an external link is incorrectly defined
Wrong mail mail definition email A mail pattern is incorrect
archiveurl URL has an incorrect pattern various An URL definition is incorrect[5]
For example, it will be the case if an external link is incorrectly defined
Exception while reading pre file file name pre The file specified in the pre element could be be read
pre file file name does not exist or is a directory pre The file specified in the pre element does not exist or is a directory
No pre syntax of name syntax name exists syntax highlighting A pre syntax does not exist
No source syntax of name syntax name exists syntax highlighting A source syntax does not exist
pre defined in another pre, grammar inconsistent pre A pre element was defined inside another pre element
Having both border and boxed attributes is not allowed on pre elements pre It is not allowed to have both a border and a boxed attribute on a pre element
source defined in another pre or source, grammar inconsistent source A source element was defined inside another pre or source element
Date format incorrect for date value date A date format is incorrect
Referencing a Note which does not exist for ID note id note A note is referenced with an ID which points to a note which does not exist
Note ID note id already defined for article note A note with the same ID is already referenced
Referencing an empty Note note A note element contains no content
Wrong condition definition, condition undefined condition The condition type is not defined (the condition attribute does not exist)
Wrong condition definition, specified condition type does not exist condition The specified condition type does not exist (the condition attribute has an invalid value)
Wrong condition definition, condition does not have a value condition The condition value is undefined (the value attribute does not exist and it should exist for the condition type)
Wrong condition definition, no condition type specification condition The condition type is not defined (the condition attribute does not exist)
li element is not under a ul or ol element in article article ID li The li element is misplaced
moreInfo element has no id reference and has no info children moreInfo The moreInfo element has no id attribute and has no info children
moreInfo element has an id reference but has info children moreInfo The moreInfo element has an id attribute but has info children
element type element reference article of ID id which is a template article references Reference an article which is a template article. It is not possible to reference a template article because these articles do not have an associated file (they are only used in an include element)[6]
This can be the case which any element which is a reference, for example ref or moreInfo elements
element type element reference article of ID id and package package which is a template article references Reference an article which is a template article. It is not possible to reference a template article because these articles do not have an associated file (they are only used in an include element)[6]
This can be the case which any element which is a reference, for example ref or moreInfo elements
coords attribute format is invalid in areaRef areaRef The coords attribute format is invalid[7]
For example: one, two is not parsable
coords attribute in areaRef should have 3 elements for a circle areaRef The coords attribute should have 3 elements for a circle (coordinates of the center, and radius)
coords attribute in areaRef should have 4 elements for a rectangle areaRef The coords attribute in areaRef should have 4 elements for a rectangle (left, top, right, bottom corner)
coords attribute should have at least 3 elements for a polygon areaRef The coords attribute in areaRef should have at least 3 elements elements for a polygon
The Article at path article path has no description articles An article has no desc attribute
The Raw html Article article ID has no URL Raw html article A Raw html article has no URL attribute
The html content at URL URL for the Raw html Article article ID is invalid Raw html article The html content for the Raw html Article is invalid
The html content at URL URL for the Raw html Article article ID does not exist Raw html article The html content for the Raw html Article does not exist
headerImg not allowed at this place header The headerImg element is used outside of a header file
Wrong width value value syntax The with or maxWidth attribute for an element cannot be parsed as an int
Wrong height value value syntax The height or maxHeight attribute for an element cannot be parsed as an int
Wrong colspan value value table element The colspan attribute for a column cannot be parsed as an int
Wrong rowspan value value table element The rowspan attribute for a column cannot be parsed as a positive int
Title is empty title The title string is empty
Title seq is empty title The title seq string is empty
Title id is empty title The title id string is empty
Chapter title is empty chapter The chapter title string is empty
Chapter seq string is empty chapter The chapter seq value is empty
Chapter id string is empty chapter The chapter id value is empty
Wrong level value value title The level attribute for a title cannot be parsed as an int
Article article ID has a property name property in Infobox Infobox ID which does not exist infobox The property does not exist in the referenced infobox
Article article ID has a property name property in Infobox Infobox ID but definition is an enumProperty infobox The property exist in the referenced infobox, but its type is an enum property and it is not used as an enum
Article article ID has has an enum property name property in Infobox Infobox ID but definition is not an enumProperty infobox The property exist in the referenced infobox, and its type is not an enum property, but it is used as an enum
Article article ID has an URL URL property in Infobox Infobox ID with no URL infobox The property URL is undefined in the referenced infobox
Article article ID has an image property property name property in Infobox Infobox ID with no image ID infobox The property image is undefined in the referenced infobox
Article article ID has an image property property name property in Infobox Infobox ID which refer to a non existing image infobox The property image refer to an image which does not exist in the referenced infobox
No anchor of ID #anchor ID in article article ID anchor The referenced anchor ID does not exist. This error is shown when the anchor has the #anchor_ID pattern, meaning that this anchor is expected to be on the current article
Category of name category name referenced in article of ID article ID does not exist catRef The referenced category does not exist
" html element name" elements not allowed in html content html The content included in the html element contains an invalid element[8]
See html for more information

References errors

Error message Element Reason
Must not have both an id and path attribute in the ref ref A ref element has both an id and a path attributes
No Article definition of path path ref The bare reference refer to a non existing article
No Article definition of ID article ID ref The reference refer to a non existing article
No Article definition of ID ' article ID' in package ' package ID' ref The reference refer to a non existing article
Incorrect anchor reference ' anchor ID' in Article definition of ID ' article ID' ref The referenced article does not exist or the anchor in the article does not exist
Impossible to find reference ' article ID' in Article definition of ID ' article ID' ref The referenced article does not exist
Incorrect anchor reference ' anchor ID' ref The referenced article does not exist or the anchor in the article does not exist[9]
This one is for anchors which are not referenced in articles
Article of ID ' article ID' refer to a non existing ' Infobox ID' infobox infobox The referenced infobox does not exist
Wrong URL URL definition for property ' property name' and Infobox ' Infobox ID' infobox The URL for property refer to an invalid URL in the referenced infobox
No anchor of ID ' anchor ID' in article of ID ' article ID' anchor The referenced anchor ID does not exist. In that case the full reference of the anchor is specified and the full anchor does not exist
No anchor of ID # anchor ID in article of ID ' article ID' anchor The referenced anchor ID does not exist. In that case the reference refer to an anchor in the same article which does not exist
Impossible to find anchor of ID ' anchor ID' for article ' article ID' anchor The referenced anchor ID does not exist
No anchor of ID ' anchor ID' in article of ID ' article ID' anchor The referenced anchor ID does not exist
Error message Element Reason
Invalid URL link URL checkLinks An external link is invalid (invalid URL)
Unreachable URL link URL checkLinks An external link is unreachable (page does not exist or took too long to respond)
Incorrect URL link anchor URL checkLinks An external link anchor does not exist in the page
Incorrect MediaWiki URL link anchor URL checkLinks A Mediawiki link anchor does not exist in the page
Invalid API link for API ' API' and path path checkLinks An API link is invalid
Unreachable API link for API ' API' and path path checkLinks An API link is Unreachable (page does not exist or took too long to respond)
Incorrect API link anchor for API ' API' and path path checkLinks The anchor for the API link does not exist
Absolute URL URL not allowed, acceptLocalLinks not set to all checking local links There is an absolute link outside the wiki, but these links are not allowed
Relative URL URL not allowed, acceptLocalLinks set to none checking local links There is a relative link outside the wiki, but all local links are not allowed
Relative URL URL not allowed, acceptLocalLinks set to none checking local links There is a relative link outside the wiki, but all local links are not allowed

Resources and images errors

Error message Element Reason
Message box use undefined image ID image messageBox The referenced image used in a messageBox does not exist
Message box use invalid image ID image messageBox The referenced image used in a messageBox is invalid[10]
For example, it is a png image, but the file is not a valid png
Path for Message box at image path is invalid messageBox The referenced image path either contains a "/" or has no extension
The Message box Image at imageHref image path does not exist messageBox The referenced image imageHref does not point to an existing file
A Resource reference must not have both an href and an ID resource The resource reference has both an href and an ID
A Resource reference must have an href or an ID resource The resource reference has no href nor and ID
The Resource at resource path does not exist resource The resource path does not exist[11]
A resource which is directly pointing to a resource file must be in the "doc-files" directory which is under the directory in which the article is present
No Resource definition of ID resource ID in article article ID resource The referenced resource ID does not exist
Image of ID image ID has already a Reference, more than one child not allowed img The img element has already an included ref child and you tried to add another child element, but it is not allowed to have more than one child in an image
Image of ID image ID has already a Category Reference, more than one child not allowed img The img element has already an included catRef child and you tried to add another child element, but it is not allowed to have more than one child in an image
Image of ID image ID has already an External Link, more than one child not allowed img The img element has already an included a child and you tried to add another child element, but it is not allowed to have more than one child in an image
Image of ID image ID has already an Image Map, more than one child not allowed img The img element has already one or more included areaRef child and you tried to add another child element, but it is not allowed to have more than one child in an image[12]
More than one areaRef is allowed
The Image at path image path does not exist img The referenced image path does not point to an existing file
Path for Image at image path is invalid img The referenced image path either contains a "/" or has no extension
No Image definition of ID image ID in article article ID img The referenced image ID does not exist in the article
No Image definition of ID image ID img The referenced image ID does not exist[13]
This error is for images referenced in files which are not articles

Configuration errors

Error message Element Reason
Image has no href nor id img element The image has no id and no href attribute
Localization file file name does not exist localization The specified localization file does not exist
Impossible to parse localization file file name localization The specified localization file is unparsable
Impossible to get localization for locale locale localization There is no localization for the specified locale
Impossible to get Java API for key API key and URL API URL, URL for the API invalid or not found APIs The specified URL for the API is invalid or not found
Impossible to get Java API for key API key, no value defined APIs There is no specified URL value for the API
Impossible to parse configuration file file name configuration file The specified configuration file is unparsable
Value value for configuration key key unparsable configuration file The specified value for the configuration key is not parsable[14]
It is invalid for the key, for example a value different from true or false for a boolean property
Configuration property key key does not exist configuration file The configuration property key does not exist[15]
For example toto=true is invalid
Directories not correctly set, no input directories defined command-line There are no input_and_ouput#inputs directories for the wiki sources in the configuration
Directories not correctly set, no output directory defined command-line There is no input and ouput directory for the wiki in the configuration
URL exception URL URL is invalid in URLExceptions file name urlExceptions file urlExceptions An URL exception defined in the URL exceptions XML file is invalid[16]
The "urlExceptions" url property specifies the XML file which will define URLs won't be checked
Timeout URL URL is invalid in timeouts file name timeouts file timeouts A Timeout URL defined in the Timeout XML file is invalid
Timeout value value is invalid in timeouts file name timeouts file timeouts A Timeout value defined in the Timeout XML file is invalid
There is already an Image Definition with ID ' image ID' image files The specified image ID is already defined
Wrong image ID ' image ID' image files The specified image ID pattern is incorrect
The File at image file path is already used as an Image image files The specified file is already used as an image definition[17]
This is a warning
There is no Image at image file path image files The specified image path points to a non existing file
There is already a Resource Definition with ID ' resource ID' resource files The specified resource ID is already defined
The File at resource file path is already used as a Resource resource files The specified file is already used as a resource definition[17]
This is a warning
There is no Resource at resource file path resource files The specified resource path points to a non existing file
There is already an infobox with ID ' infobox id' infobox The specified infobox ID is already defined
Property name 'name' is not allowed for infobox definition properties infobox It is not allowed to use the identifier "name" as a property key
There is already a ' property ID' property in infobox definition infobox The specified infobox property ID is already defined
There is already a state ' state name' for enumProperty ' property ID' in infobox definition infobox The state name already exists
The default state defined for' property ID' enumProperty in infobox definition does not exist infobox There is no default state for the property

Mediawiki and Markdown errors

Error message Element Reason
Error when parsing article file name Mediawiki article mediawiki The Mediawiki article could not be parsed
Error when parsing article file name Markdown article markdown The Markdown article could not be parsed
Impossible to resolve Mediawiki for path path and Mediawiki Mediawiki ID mediawiki The Mediawiki path is impossible to resolve for the Mediawiki
Invalid MediaWiki URL link URL checkLinks A Mediawiki link is invalid (invalid URL)
Unreachable MediaWiki URL link URL checkLinks A Mediawiki link is unreachable (page does not exist or took too long to respond)
Incorrect MediaWiki URL link anchor URL checkLinks A Mediawiki link anchor does not exist in the page
Malformed URL in Mediawiki for External Link URL external links A Mediawiki URL is malformed
Incorrect External Link link construct in Mediawiki external links A Mediawiki external link pattern is incorrect
Incorrect external link syntax in Mediawiki external links A Mediawiki external link syntax is incorrect
No reference for Infobox definition in Mediawiki infobox The infobox specification does not exist
Wrong definition for Infobox property in Mediawiki infobox The infobox property value is incorrect
Incorrect syntax for the term element in Mediawiki term The term element syntax is incorrect
Incorrect internal reference in Markdown article references Incorrect internal reference in Markdown
Malformed URL for External Link URL in Markdown external links Malformed URL for External Link in Markdown

API documentation errors

Error message Element Reason
Element named element name should have a path attribute apidoc An apidoc element has no path attribute (which is mandatory)
Element named element name no allowed here for documentation API ' API' apidoc An apidoc element has an element type which is not allowed for the api[18]
For example, if you use an operator element in a Java API
No element named element name for documentation API ' API' apidoc An apidoc element has an element type which is does not exist[19]
For example, if you use a toto element in any API
Element named element name for documentation API ' API' can not be a top element apidoc An apidoc element is at the top level, which is not allowed for this element[20]
For example, if you use a constructor element in a Java API
No documentation API for ' API' apidoc An apidoc refer to an API which does not exist
API URL URL incorrectly defined APIs A setAPIURL URL is incorrectly defined
Impossible to resolve path path for API API APIs The specified path does not exist for the API
Invalid API link for path path and API API APIs The link for the specified path is invalid for the API
Unreachable API link for path path and API API APIs The link for the specified path is unreachable for the API
Incorrect API link anchor for path path and API API APIs The link anchor for the specified path is incorrect for the API (the anchor does not exist in the html file)
No element of name element name in APIDoc ' API' apidoc The API has not element of the specified name at this position
Type type for APIDoc ' API' is invalid apidoc The type for the API is invalid
APIDoc ' API' already exists apidoc The API is already defined
Element element name for APIDoc ' API' already present apidoc The element in the API has already been defined
Type type for element name and APIDoc ' API' is invalid apidoc The type of element in the API is invalid
Property type type for element name and APIDoc ' API' is invalid apidoc The type of the property for the element in the API has already been defined
URL URL for Mediawiki Mediawiki ID is invalid apidoc The URL defined for the root of the Mediawiki is invalid
URL URL for API ' API' is invalid apidoc The URL defined for the root of the API is invalid
URL URL for API library for API ' API' is invalid apidoc The URL defined for the library used for the API is invalid
URL URL for API library for API ' API' should be local apidoc The URL defined for the library used for the API is not local

Custom Search errors

Error message Element Reason
Impossible to add anchor anchor ID in Custom Search, category does not exist custom search A category specified by the searchCategory attribute for an anchor does not exist
Impossible to add article article ID in Custom Search, category does not exist custom search A category specified by the searchCategory attribute for an article does not exist
Impossible to add title title in Custom Search, category does not exist custom search A category specified by the searchCategory attribute for a title does not exist
Custom Search defined without categories, assuming Searching on Articles custom search There are no defined Custom Search categories, therefore Custom Search can not be applied, regular Search will be used

Help errors

Error message Element Reason
Ref ref name already defined Help content configuration The reference name was already defined in the help content
Article article ID is referenced in context-sensitive help but is not a regular article Help content configuration The article is not a regular article in the help content
Article article ID is referenced in context-sensitive help but does not exist Help content configuration The article referenced in the help content does not exist
Default Stylesheet file file path does not exist Help content configuration The default stylesheet file referenced in the Help content configuration does not exist
Default Stylesheet theme file file path does not exist Help content configuration The default stylesheet theme file referenced in the Help content configuration does not exist
Stylesheet theme file file path for id theme id does not exist Help content configuration The default stylesheet theme file referenced in the Help content configuration does not exist

Miscellanous errors

Error message Element Reason
Menu type menu type does not exist custom menus A default menu type does not exist (see menu type error)
No articles for word word in Glossary glossary There are no existing articles for the word in the glossary
No Article definition of ID article ID in menu custom menus The article referred by the itemInternalRef does not exist
No Article definition of ID article ID and package package ID in menu custom menus The article referred by the itemInternalRef does not exist
No Article definition of ID article ID in disambiguation article Disambiguation articles The article referred by the disambElt element does not exist
No Article definition of ID article ID and package package ID in disambiguation article Disambiguation articles The article referred by the disambElt element does not exist
File file path is an invalid XML file Types of files The element (article, images definition, resources definition, etc...) has an invalid XML file

Package dependency error

Main Article: Packages dependencies

This error will be emitted when an element which points to a reference has a dependency to a package for which this dependency is forbidden. The list of these elements is: The error will be emitted if the dependency between the article in which the element is present to the referenced element is forbidden.
Main Article: default menus types

The possible menus types for default menu items are:
  • "home" for a link to the index page
  • "dictionary" for a link to the dictionary
  • "categories" for a link to the categories
  • "glossary" for a link to the glossary
  • "linksFrom" for the What links here text for the menu which presents for each article the articles which link to this article


  1. ^ This is the case if the same package is defined more than once
  2. ^ This error will not be emitted if there is a global index. See also specifying the index for more information
  3. ^ This error will not be emitted if there is a global index, in that case index files found in the wiki will be skipped silently. See also specifying the index for more information
  4. ^ For example, it will be the case if an external link is incorrectly defined
  5. ^ For example, it will be the case if an external link is incorrectly defined
  6. ^ [1] [2] This can be the case which any element which is a reference, for example ref or moreInfo elements
  7. ^ For example: one, two is not parsable
  8. ^ See html for more information
  9. ^ This one is for anchors which are not referenced in articles
  10. ^ For example, it is a png image, but the file is not a valid png
  11. ^ A resource which is directly pointing to a resource file must be in the "doc-files" directory which is under the directory in which the article is present
  12. ^ More than one areaRef is allowed
  13. ^ This error is for images referenced in files which are not articles
  14. ^ It is invalid for the key, for example a value different from true or false for a boolean property
  15. ^ For example toto=true is invalid
  16. ^ The "urlExceptions" url property specifies the XML file which will define URLs won't be checked
  17. ^ [1] [2] This is a warning
  18. ^ For example, if you use an operator element in a Java API
  19. ^ For example, if you use a toto element in any API
  20. ^ For example, if you use a constructor element in a Java API

See also

Categories: general

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