<pre border="simple" > This is a text with a simple border. </pre>has the following result:
This is a text with a simple border.
<pre border="shadow" > This is a text with a soft shadowed border. </pre>has the following result:
This is a text with a soft shadowed border.
<pre color="#FFFF00" > This is a text with a yellow background. </pre>has the following result:
This is a text with a yellow background.
<pre border="shadow" color="#FFFF00" > This is a text with a yellow background. </pre>has the following result:
This is a text with a yellow background and a shadow.
(or by default if the attribute is not present), the value of the command-line preScrollingType or configuration file will be used
This is a very long text with an unlimited scrolling type, there is no scroll bar and no wrapping for words.
This is a very long text with a scrolled scrolling type, there is a scroll bar in this case to adapt the text length.
This is a very long text with a wrapped scrolling type, there is no scroll bar and the text is wrapped.
element. Such as for example:
<pre> my pre content </pre>In this case, you will need to escape the < and > characters if they appear in the content.
will be defined. For example:
<pre url="thePreFile" />Here the
is a file which is under the doc-files
sub-directory and contain the same "my pre content" text. In this case, you don't need to escape the < and > characters if they appear in the content[3]
<pre> first line <parent name="name"> <child name="child" /> </parent> second line </pre>
<pre syntax="java"> public void toto(int i) { _ System.out.println(i); } </pre>will have the following result:
public void toto(int i) { System.out.println(i); }or:
<pre syntax="xml"> <parent name="name"> <child name="child" /> </parent> </pre>will have the following result:
<parent name="name"> <child name="child" /> </parent>It is possible to use the "font" element with syntax hightlighting. For example:
<pre syntax="xml"> <parent name="name"> the text with a <font background="yellow">yellow background</font> </parent> </pre>It is also possible to use the "i" or "b" elements with syntax hightlighting. For example:
<pre syntax="xml"> <parent name="name"> the text with a <b>bold font</b> </parent> </pre>will have the following result:
<parent name="name"> the text with a yellow background </parent>
<table> <row> <cell>Example for the <code>following</code> content: <pre syntax="xml"> <literal name="A661_ANIMATION_GROUP" value="A1E3"/> <literal name="A661_ANIMATION_GROUP" value="A1E4"/> </pre> </cell> </row> </table>will have the following result (rather than having a lot of spaces before each line span in the pre):
Example for the following content:
<literal name="A661_ANIMATION_GROUP" value="A1E3"/> <literal name="A661_ANIMATION_GROUP" value="A1E4"/> |
<pre> first line second line </pre>Result:
first line second line
<pre> first line in <font color="blue">blue</font> second line </pre>Result:
first line in blue second line
<pre boxed="true"> first line second line </pre>Result:
first line second line
<pre color="#FFFF00" boxed="true"> first line second line </pre>Result:
first line second line
<pre boxed="shadow"> first line second line </pre>Result:
first line second line
<pre syntax="java"> public void toto(int i) { _ System.out.println(i); } </pre>will have the following result:
public void toto(int i) { System.out.println(i); }
<pre url="myPre" />With the following content for the
file under the doc-files
first line second lineResult:
first line second line
docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.