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Syntax overview

This article presents an overview of the tags supported in the XML syntax. For detailed information, go to the syntax article.

This table also presents the tags which are supported for the Mediawiki markup or Markdown markup.

Starting elements

Starting elements
Element Mediawiki Markdown Usage
meta meta - specifies the text which should be written as an explanation for an article in the dictionary or categories
altTitle altTitle - specifies alternate titles which can be used for an article in the dictionary, categories, or references
seeAlso - - refer in the header of the article to another article which can have a similar title or subject
infobox infobox - add an infobox at the beginning of the article

Content elements

Content elements
Element Mediawiki Markdown Usage
div - - specifies a block of content
note ref - specifies a note, added at the end of the article under the "Notes" title[1]
All notes and citations will be regrouped under this title
word - - A word is an anchor used for a glossary definition (for a manual glossary)
cite - - specifies a citation, added at the end of the article under the "Notes" title[1]
All notes and citations will be regrouped under this title
empty empty line empty line add an empty line
br br br add a break
hr - hr add a thematic break
code code code add a piece of "computer-code formatted" text
pre pre pre add several lines of unformatted text (keeping the white spaces)
source source - add several lines of unformatted text (keeping the white spaces). Contrary to the "pre" element, the content will not begin on a new line
block - - show content inside an indented box
blockquote - blockquote show content inside a blockquote
messageBox - - show content inside an information or warning message box
date - - add a formatted date
term term - adds a term and its definition (useful to define glossaries)
box - - add content inside an html box
a external links external links add an external link
archiveurl - - add an external link to an archived article in the Internet Wayback machine
wikipedia - - add a Wikipedia link
mediawiki - - add a Mediawiki link[2]
This is a link to any Mediawiki
video - - add a youtube or dailymotion embedded video
audio - - add an embedded audio
setBaseURL - - define the base directory to use for all relative external links following this declaration in the same article
setAPIURL - - define the direct location of all "javadoc", "qtdoc", "pydoc", or "doxygen" elements following this declaration in the same article
javadoc - - add a link to a Java API documentation for a Class, a Package, a Field, or a Method
dotnetdoc - - add a link to a .NET API documentation
qtdoc - - add a link to a Qt class documentation for any Qt API
javaAPI - - includes an API documentation for a Java class, interface, or enum
pythonAPI - - includes an API documentation for a Python class
apidoc - - includes an API documentation for any language. See also
moreInfo See also - add a "Main Article" link at the start of a paragraph
seeArticle See also - add a "See Also" link at the start of a paragraph
ol lists lists defines an ordered list
ul lists lists defines an unordered list
li lists lists defines a list item or a tree item
tree - - defines a tree
img image image defines an interwiki link to an image specified by its id
areaRef - - defines a link to part of an image. The element is a child of the "img" element
resource - - defines an interwiki link to a resource specified by its id
title titles Line beginning with several "*" defines a title
ref article references article references defines a reference to an article
catRef - - defines a reference to a category
glossaryRef - - defines a reference to the glossary
anchor - - define an anchor in the wiki, which will be accessible via a ref tag
include transclusion - include the content of an article or template in another one
esc - - escape content
table tables - add a table
math - - Mathematical formulas (MathML2 syntax)
html - - Embed HTML content
map - - Include an OpenStreetMap Map
condition - - Include a conditional content depending on the presence of a package
todo - - Shows a TODO in the wiki
todolist - - Shows a TODO list in the wiki
comment - - Shows a comment in the wiki. Comments will only be taken into account if the includeComments option is set to true
commentlist - - Shows a comment list in the wiki

End elements

Ending elements
Element Mediawiki Markdown Usage
see See - add a "See Also" title at the end of the article with wiki links to other articles
cat setting categories - define that the article belongs to one category


  1. ^ [1] [2] All notes and citations will be regrouped under this title
  2. ^ This is a link to any Mediawiki

See also

Categories: markdown | mediawiki | syntax

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