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This article present possible problems and their solution.

I have No index file found error, why?

Main Article: Index

You forgot to add an index to your wiki.

I don't understand an error message

Main Article: Errors list

See errors list for a comprehensive list of error messages and their meaning.
Chance is that you don't have access to the internet on your system, but you have a lot of external links. In that case you should configure the wiki to not check external links. This can be done on the command-line by setting to false the checkHTTPLinks property, or in the configuration file by setting to false the checkHTTPLinks property. See also checking external links. Chance is that that the affected linked URL is much slower to access than the others. By default the timeOut for the access to one site is 300 ms, but you can configure its value.

Beware that if you increase the timeOut value for all URLs, you will have an adverse result on the performance of the tool. Another way you have to get rid of this warning is no specify explicitly for the link that you don't want to check its validity (see not checking links for one element).

Some characters are not shown correctly

docGenerator try to infer the encoding of each XML file to escape correctly the characters in the HTML result. However there is no way other than guessing to get the encoding of a text file. An alternate way to force the encoding is to set explictly the encoding of the file by setting the XML declaration. For example[1]
Note that "ISO-8859-1" is the standard encoding for French text
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

I used the apidoc element to embed an API, but it does not show anything on my PDF or docx result

Unfortunately, for the moment, the apidoc element is only rendered in html. You might have put the javadoc in an incorrect directory. Note that relative APIs are by default relative to the root of the wiki output directory. See Javadocs APIs for more information.

I linked to a file outside the wiki, and I have an error even if the file exists

Main Article: Checking local links

By default no local links outside of the wiki are allowed.

I used a custom StyleSheet theme, and I have a strange result

Main Article: StyleSheet theme

Beware that all the properties in the default theme must be specified in your custom theme CSS file, or else some colors will have a default value.

I generated the help content file for the help system, but I don't see any images

You might have specified the wrong format for the result. See help content optimization. The README.txt file in the zip file used for the help indicates for which format the Help content has been generated.

I generated the help content file for the help system, an my custom themes are not showing

The custom themes are only working if you are using JavaFX or Swing with a JavaFX engine.

The Search field does not work on Internet Explorer

Look if you have set the IECompatibilityEdge property to false. In that case, Internet Explorer of versions greater or equal than 11 will try to keep the behavior of older versions, which can throw exceptions in jQuery. Give the property the default value (true).

I have a message concerning a property name not allowed in infobox definition, why?

The message should be: "name property is not allowed in infobox definition". It is because it is not allowed to define a property with the key "name", because this property is defined by default for all infoboxes (see infobox template).

I have an alternate title for an article which is in the dictionary, but I would prefer not too, is it possible?

Yes, see dictionary.

I have a Forked Java VM exited abnormally when executing my unit tests

Main Article: executing unit tests

When using the org.docgene.main.DocGenerator class directly to generate the wiki in Unit tests, you may have the following JVM error:
      Forked Java VM exited abnormally. Please note the time in the report does not reflect the time until the VM exit.
This error may be due to the fact that the class will exit by executing System.exit(0) exiting the JVM before the Unit test class could be executed completely. To fix this problem, you must use the DocGenerator.preventExit(true); before exeucting the generation.

I usa the help system, and the Search in page function does not work

Main Article: help search in page

The help search in page function is supported only when using JavaFX[2]
Using the help with JavaFX or with Swing using an internal JavaFX content
. Additionally, you will need to specify the --add-opens options to make it available.


  1. ^ Note that "ISO-8859-1" is the standard encoding for French text
  2. ^ Using the help with JavaFX or with Swing using an internal JavaFX content

Categories: general

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.