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Fallback articles

Fallback articles allow to specify articles which will be used where a reference to another article point to an article which does not exist.

Use cases

There are two cases where you may want to specify fallback articles:
  • You don't want inter-wiki links which point to non existing articles to point to nothing, but you want to provide a custom article where these invalid linkds will point
  • You want links to article in packages you don't include to point to a custom article

Specifying a fallback article

Fallback article for invalid links

To have a falback article which will be used for invalid links, you have to create an article with the fallbackInvalid root. For example:
   <fallbackInvalid title="Invalid link">
   This link point to a not existing article.

The title of the article is optional, by default the generator will use the title from the localization.

Fallback article for not included article

To have a falback article which will be used for links to not included articles, you have to create an article with the fallbackNotIncluded root. For example:
   <fallbackNotIncluded title="Article not included">
   This link point to an article which is not included.

The title of the article is optional, by default the generator will use the title from the localization.


Suppose the following wiki file structure:
      -- source
      ---- article1.xml
      ---- index.xml
If we have for the article1.xml article:
   <article desc="article1">
      <ref id="article2" />
By default we will have the following content for this article:
If we click on the link (which points to a not existing article), we will get on the browser:
Now suppose that we create the following fallback article:
   The text for the fallback invalid.
We will have the following wiki file structure:
      -- source
      ---- article1.xml
      ---- fallback.xml
      ---- index.xml
Now if we click on the link we will go to this fallback article:

See also

Categories: structure

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.