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Java Direct dependencies

docJGenerator depends on the following libraries:

PDF, DOCX, and ePub Java dependencies

The pdfWriter library depends on the following libraries:
  • The iText library: see developers.itextpdf.com/. Note that this library is used to generate PDF files. The application will continue to work correctly for HTML generation even if this library is not present
  • The W3C SAC 1.3 library
  • The CSSParser library

The docxWriter library depends on the following libraries:
  • The Apache POI library: see poi.apache.org/. Note that this library is used to generate docx files. The application will continue to work correctly for HTML generation even if this library is not present
  • The W3C SAC 1.3 library
  • The CSSParser library

The epubWriter library depends on the following libraries:

Scripts Plugin Java dependencies

The scripts Plugin library depends on the following libraries:

Java Other dependencies

docJGenerator also uses code from the following library[1]
The code is including in docJGenerator
  • The jEuclid library: see jeuclid.sourceforge.net. The library is repackaged as jEuclid.jar with only the minimal classes allowing to convert MathML expressions as images[2]
    Note that the last 3.1.9 release of jEuclid dates from 2010
    . SOme modifications have also been made to allow the library to be built on Java 17.
  • The jxMapViewer2 library: see github.com/msteiger/jxmapviewer2. The library is repackaged as jxMapViewer.jar. The library has been modified to allow to generate an image for the Map rather than showing the Map in a Swing component

Javascript dependencies

Dependencies list

docJGenerator is provided and has been tested with the specified releases of the libraries.
Libraries dependencies
Library Type Website Release
AppLauncher Java sourceforge.net/projects/mdiutilities
MDIUtilities Java sourceforge.net/projects/mdiutilities
jEditor Java sourceforge.net/projects/jeditor 1.2.24
jElasticlunr Java sourceforge.net/projects/jelasticlunr 1.7.1
jsoup Java jsoup.org 1.18.1
scriptHelper Java sourceforge.net/projects/scripthelper 1.6.2
Groovy Java groovy-lang.org[3]
Used by the scriptHelper library
CSSParser Java sourceforge.net/projects/cssparser/[4]
Used by the docxWriter and pdfwriter libraries
Apache POI Java poi.apache.org/[5]
Used by the docxWriter library
iText Java itextpdf.com[6]
Used by the pdfWriter library
Apache commons.io Java commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io[7]
Used by the epubWriter library
Apache commons.vfs Java commons.apache.org/proper/commons-vfs[8]
Used by the epubWriter library
HTMLCleaner Java htmlcleaner.sourceforge.net[9]
Used by the epubWriter library
epublib2 Java github.com/hervegirod/epublib2[10]
Used by the epubWriter library
jQuery Javascript jquery.com 3.2.0[11]
docJGenerator is not working correctly on later versions of jQuery for the moment
jQuery UI Javascript github.com/hervegirod/jquery-ui 1.12.1[12]
Uses an implementation with a modification from the main project, see jQuery UI
jQuery tablesorter Plugin Javascript plugins.jquery.com/tablesorter 2.0.5
Elasticlunr Javascript sourceforge.net/projects/jelasticlunr. It is the compressed version of the elasticlunr.js JavaScript library. Note that the regular 2.0.5 version of this library available at elasticlunr.com) is compatible for compression levels which are less or equal to 1 (normal level) 1.5
OpenLayers Javascript openlayers.org 2.11
leader-line Javascript leader-line 1.0.7

jQuery UI

The jQuery UI project proposes several UI Javascripts components, from which this project uses the autocomplete component.

This project uses a modified version of the 1.12.1 version, which is hosted here: github.com/hervegirod/jquery-ui. This modified version allows to always show the popup for the automplete when using the Full Text Search.

Unit tests dependencies

The Unit tests depend on the 1.4.7 version of the jDependency library.


  1. ^ The code is including in docJGenerator
  2. ^ Note that the last 3.1.9 release of jEuclid dates from 2010
  3. ^ Used by the scriptHelper library
  4. ^ Used by the docxWriter and pdfwriter libraries
  5. ^ Used by the docxWriter library
  6. ^ Used by the pdfWriter library
  7. ^ Used by the epubWriter library
  8. ^ Used by the epubWriter library
  9. ^ Used by the epubWriter library
  10. ^ Used by the epubWriter library
  11. ^ docJGenerator is not working correctly on later versions of jQuery for the moment
  12. ^ Uses an implementation with a modification from the main project, see jQuery UI

See also

Categories: general

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.