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Structure of a unit test

This article explains the structure of a unit test.

Parsing a wiki source directory

   // get the directory for the wiki source
   ResourceLoader loader = new ResourceLoader("org/docgene/resources");
   URL url = loader.getURL("input105");
   File dir = new File(url.getFile());
   File[] dirs = new File[1];
   dirs[0] = dir;

   // parse the wiki source
   DefaultDirectoryParser parser = new DefaultDirectoryParser(false);
   // check that there is no exception when parsing
   List<ResolverSAXHandler.ExceptionResult> exceptions = parser.getParserExceptions();
   assertTrue("The parser should not have any exceptions", exceptions.isEmpty());

   // get the model
   model = parser.getModel();
   assertNotNull("ArticlesModel should not be null", model);        

Ordering unit tests methods

Main Article: Ordering unit tests

In many of the unit test classes, the order of the execution of methods is important. For example, you may have a first method which parse a wiki source directry, and then several methods which check the content of the wiki tree. In that case, you might need to use the org.mdiutil.junit.OrderedRunner annotation.

See also

Categories: development

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