DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.createCategory("general", "Deals about general subjects");
DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.createCategory("general", "Deals about general subjects"); api.createCategory("user", "Deals about user features"); XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); api.setCategories(article, "general", "user");
DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); CustomSearchCategories categories = api.getCustomSearchCategories(); categories.addCategory("Bird"); categories.addCategory("Mammal"); api.createModel(); XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("an article about birds"); categories.addArticle(article, "Bird");
DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article and add a paragraph in this article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); XMLParagraph par = api.addParagraph(article);
DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article and add a paragraph in this article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); AbstractParagraph par = api.getLastParagraph(article); // add a title and text under the title api.addTitle(article, par, "the title"); api.addSentence(par, "the text under the title");
parent. In that case the API will create a paragraph if there is none, of use the last paragraph in the article. DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article and add a paragraph in this article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // add a title and text under the title, a paragraph will be automatically created and added to the article api.addTitle(article, "the title"); // the last paragraph will be used api.addSentence(article, "the text under the title");
parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addSentence(ParagraphElementParent, String)DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // add a sentence api.addSentence(article, "the regular sentence");
parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addTitle(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, String)DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // add a title at the default level (1) api.addTitle(article, "the first title"); // add a sub-title at level 2, keeping the case for the title text api.addTitle(article, 2, "sub-title", true);
DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); CustomSearchCategories categories = api.getCustomSearchCategories(); categories.addCategory("Bird"); categories.addCategory("Mammal"); api.createModel(); XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("an article about animals"); XMLTitle title = api.addTitle(article, "the birds"); categories.addTitle(article, "Bird", title);
parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addReference(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, String)refID
argumentDocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // create a second article and adds a paragraph XMLArticle article2 = api.createArticle("the second article"); // add a reference api.addReference(article2, "the first article", "the reference"); // could also be done with: api.addReference(article2, article, "the reference");
parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addImage(XMLRootElement, ParagraphElementParent, BufferedImage, boolean)BufferedImage
instanceDocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // add an image api.addImage(article, "d:/my/image.png", true); // create a second article and adds a paragraph to this article article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // add the same image api.addImage(article, "d:/my/image.png", true);
parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addTable(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, boolean)DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // add a table XMLTable table = api.addTable(article); table.setWidth(50, true); // set the width of the table as 50% of the width of the page table.setAlignment(Alignment.LEFT); // align the table to the left table.setCaption("List of birds"); // add a caption to the table
DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // add a table XMLTable table = api.addTable(article); api.addTableColumn(table, "Classification");
DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // add a table XMLTable table = api.addTable(article); api.addTableColumn(table, "Classification"); XMLTableRow row = api.addTableRow(table);
DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // add a table XMLTable table = api.addTable(article); api.addTableColumn(table, "Classification"); XMLTableRow row = api.addTableRow(table); api.addTableCell(row, "Pigeon"); row = api.addTableRow(table); api.addTableCell(row, "Crow"); row = api.addTableRow(table); api.addTableCell(row, "Eagle");
DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI(); api.createModel(); api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>); // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article"); // add a list XMLList list = api.addList(article, true); // add an unordered list list.addItem("Bird"); list.addItem("Cat");
parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addSentence(ParagraphElementParent, String)ParagraphElement
parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addTitle(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, String)ParagraphElement
parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addReference(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, String)ParagraphElement
parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addImage(XMLRootElement, ParagraphElementParent, BufferedImage, boolean)ParagraphElement
parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addTable(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, boolean)docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.