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DocGenerator API: creating the wiki content

This article presents how to create the wiki content through docJGenerator API.

Most of the methods presented below return a boolean which will be true only if the operation succeeded. Generally, the generator context must have been created prior to using methods in the API, else the operations will not succeed.

Creating an article

You can create an article through one of the following methods: These methods return a XMLArticle.

For example:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");

Creating an opaque article

Several methods allow to create an opaque article, which is an article which can be used in references, but is not generated in the wiki:

Getting the index

The index article can be retrieved through the DocGeneratorAPI.getIndex() method.


Adding a category

You can add a category though the DocGeneratorAPI.createCategory(String, String) method.

For example:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   api.createCategory("general", "Deals about general subjects");

Applying categories to an article

You can put an article in one or several categories through the DocGeneratorAPI.setCategories(XMLArticle, String...) method.

For example:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   api.createCategory("general", "Deals about general subjects");
   api.createCategory("user", "Deals about user features");      
   XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
   api.setCategories(article, "general", "user");

Adding a category to an article is different from setting a custom search category to the article in the search box.

Setting a custom search category to an article

Main Article: custom search

If you have set a custom search for the wiki, you can set a custom search category for an article.

For example:
  DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
  CustomSearchCategories categories = api.getCustomSearchCategories();
  XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("an article about birds");
  categories.addArticle(article, "Bird");


The content in articles must be added through AbstractParagraph.

To add a paragraph in an article, you can either use:
When you create an article, this article initially has no paragraph.

For example:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

   // create an article and add a paragraph in this article
   XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
   XMLParagraph par = api.addParagraph(article);

Paragraphs in the internal article structure

It is necessary to have at least one paragraph in an article, but you don't need to create sub-paragraphs in the internal article structure. For example the following code is valid:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

   // create an article and add a paragraph in this article
   XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
   AbstractParagraph par = api.getLastParagraph(article);
   // add a title and text under the title
   api.addTitle(article, par, "the title");
   api.addSentence(par, "the text under the title");      

Use the last article paragraph

All the methods which accept a paragraph to put an element also accept directly the XMLArticle parent. In that case the API will create a paragraph if there is none, of use the last paragraph in the article.

For example:
  DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
  api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

  // create an article and add a paragraph in this article
  XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
  // add a title and text under the title, a paragraph will be automatically created and added to the article
  api.addTitle(article, "the title");
  // the last paragraph will be used
  api.addSentence(article, "the text under the title");      


To add a sentence, you can either use[1]
There are equivalent methods using a ParagraphElement parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addSentence(ParagraphElementParent, String)
: For example:
  DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
  api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

  // create an article
  XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
  // add a sentence
  api.addSentence(article, "the regular sentence");      


To add a title, you can use one of the following methods[2]
There are equivalent methods using a ParagraphElement parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addTitle(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, String)
: For example:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

   // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article
   XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
   // add a title at the default level (1)
   api.addTitle(article, "the first title");                
   // add a sub-title at level 2, keeping the case for the title text
   api.addTitle(article, 2, "sub-title", true);                      

Setting a custom search category to a title

Main Article: custom search

If you have set a custom search for the wiki, you can set a custom search category for a title.

For example:
  DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
  CustomSearchCategories categories = api.getCustomSearchCategories();
  XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("an article about animals");
  XMLTitle title = api.addTitle(article, "the birds");        
  categories.addTitle(article, "Bird", title);


To add a reference, you can use one of the following methods[3]
There are equivalent methods using a ParagraphElement parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addReference(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, String)
: For example:
  DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
  api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

  // create an article 
  XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
  // create a second article and adds a paragraph
  XMLArticle article2 = api.createArticle("the second article");
  // add a reference
  api.addReference(article2, "the first article", "the reference");      
  // could also be done with:
  api.addReference(article2, article, "the reference");            

To know how identifications are generated from article names, see naming constraints


To add a image, you can use one of the following methods[4]
There are equivalent methods using a ParagraphElement parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addImage(XMLRootElement, ParagraphElementParent, BufferedImage, boolean)
: The API will take care not to add the same image to the resources more than once. For example, in the following example, there will be only one image resource referenced twice by the two articles:
  DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
  api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

  // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article
  XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
  // add an image
  api.addImage(article, "d:/my/image.png", true);   
  // create a second article and adds a paragraph to this article
  article = api.createArticle("the first article");   
  // add the same image
  api.addImage(article, "d:/my/image.png", true);           


To add a table, you can use one of the following methods[5]
There are equivalent methods using a ParagraphElement parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addTable(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, boolean)
: It is possible to set a caption to the table, setting the width of the table, set the alignement of the table using the methods of the resulting XMLTable.

For example:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

   // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article
   XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
   // add a table      
   XMLTable table = api.addTable(article);
   table.setWidth(50, true); // set the width of the table as 50% of the width of the page
   table.setAlignment(Alignment.LEFT); // align the table to the left
   table.setCaption("List of birds"); // add a caption to the table     


To specify the columns of the table, you can use one of the following methods: It is possible to set the width of the resulting column with the following method: For example:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

   // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article
   XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
   // add a table      
   XMLTable table = api.addTable(article); 
   api.addTableColumn(table, "Classification");  


To add a row to the table, you can use one of the following methods: These methods return a XMLTableRow.

For example:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

   // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article
   XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
   // add a table      
   XMLTable table = api.addTable(article); 
   api.addTableColumn(table, "Classification");  
   XMLTableRow row = api.addTableRow(table);


To add a cell to a row, you can use one of the following methods: For example:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

   // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article
   XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
   // add a table      
   XMLTable table = api.addTable(article); 
   api.addTableColumn(table, "Classification"); 
   XMLTableRow row = api.addTableRow(table); 
   api.addTableCell(row, "Pigeon");
   row = api.addTableRow(table);
   api.addTableCell(row, "Crow"); 
   row = api.addTableRow(table);
   api.addTableCell(row, "Eagle");      


To add a list[6]
This is a ul or ol element
, you must use one of the following methods: To add an item to the list, you can use one of the following methods: For example:
   DocGeneratorAPI api = new DocGeneratorAPI();
   api.setOutputDirectory(<the wiki directory>);

   // create an article and adds a paragraph to this article
   XMLArticle article = api.createArticle("the first article");
   // add a list      
   XMLList list = api.addList(article, true); // add an unordered list

Importing articles

Several methods allow to import articles from XML files. it is possible to:


  1. ^ There are equivalent methods using a ParagraphElement parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addSentence(ParagraphElementParent, String)

  2. ^ There are equivalent methods using a ParagraphElement parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addTitle(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, String)

  3. ^ There are equivalent methods using a ParagraphElement parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addReference(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, String)

  4. ^ There are equivalent methods using a ParagraphElement parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addImage(XMLRootElement, ParagraphElementParent, BufferedImage, boolean)

  5. ^ There are equivalent methods using a ParagraphElement parent, for example: DocGeneratorAPI.addTable(XMLArticle, ParagraphElementParent, boolean)

  6. ^ This is a ul or ol element

See also

Categories: api

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.