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Help content optimization

By default the help archive is optimized for the Swing API. However the content of the help articles would not be seen correctly using the JavaFX help API. The "helpOptimizedForSwing" property allows to specify how the help content will be encoded.

The JavaFX API uses the WebView class. This class is not able to render images which are local to a zip file as it is the case for the articles packaged for the help system. If you choose to optimize the help content is for the JavaFX API, the images will be inlined in the the HTML files themselves, encoded in Base64. However the Swing HTMLEditorKit is not able to render images inlined in HTML files, encoded in Base64.

Note that the generated zip file contain a README.txt file which indicates for which format the Help content has been generated, and also if the content allows a full text search.

Also the database in the zip file will specify for which format the Help content has been generated.

Usage in Swing

By default, the Help Swing API will:
  • Use JavaFX internal components to show the content of the wiki if the format is undefined or JavaFX
  • Use only Swing components to show the content of the wiki if the format is Swing
However, if the SwingHelpContentViewer.setLoadHTMLInSwing(boolean) is set to true, then only Swing components will be used show the content of the wiki.

This method allows to be sure that the only Swing components are used if JavaFX is not available on the system, regardless of how the wiki has been generated.

Help viewer component engine

The following table for the Swing help viewer component shows which internal viewer engine will be used depending on:
Help generation format Force swing loading in Help viewer Help viewer component
Optimized for Swing checked - Swing viewer component
Optimized for Swing checked setLoadHTMLInSwing(true) Swing viewer component
Optimized for Swing not checked - JavaFX viewer component
Optimized for Swing not checked setLoadHTMLInSwing(true) Swing viewer component

Setting the StyleSheet theme

Main Article: Help Swing API

Setting a StyleSheet theme with the Help Swing API is only possible if you use JavaFX components to show the content of the wiki.

Usage in JavaFX

The Help JavaFX API will only use JavaFX components to show the content of the wiki.

See also

Categories: javahelp

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