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StyleSheet theme

The "styleSheetTheme" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify the StyleSheet theme for the HTML result.

Note that you can also specify the complete Custom StyleSheet , but only specifying the theme is much more simpler.


The theme feature is only supported for the following output formats:
  • "html" (the defautl value)
  • "help": for generating a help content to provide a help system in any Swing or JavaFX application, if the content is optimized for JavaFX


The StyleSheet theme is a CSS file specifying CSS global properties which will be used by the main StyleSheet CSS file:
Properties in the theme file are used as variables in the main file. For example in the theme CSS file we have:
  :root {
     --wiki-background: #f5faff; /* the background color for the table of content, the boxes, and the left menu */
     --wiki-border: #E1E1E1; /* the border color for the table of content, and the boxes */   
and in the main CSS file:
   @import "stylesheetTheme.css";
   .toc {
      background: var(--wiki-background);
      border-style: solid;
      border-width: 1px;
      border-color: var(--wiki-border);
      padding: 7px 7px 7px 7px;
      display: table;
      line-height: 120%;

Specify a custom CSS theme file

Main Article: GUI tools

If you want to create your own custom StyleSheet theme, you must export the default StyleSheet theme file by using the Tools and modify the variables specified in the theme for the properties you want to change.

You can also add other global properties in your custom CSS theme file.

Note that you should not remove a variable definition in your theme. Keep each variable values to their default value for those you don't want to change, but don't remove them from the CSS file, or you will have strange effects because these variables are used in the full CSS file.

Theme properties list

The default content of the theme file is stylesheetTheme.css.

General properties

CSS Property Applies To Comment
--wiki-background left menu
table of content
background color
--wiki-border table of content
border color
CSS Property Applies To Comment
--wiki-apilink-background programmming language API background color for programming languages APIs
--wiki-apilink-color programmming language API text color for programming languages APIs
--wiki-linktooltip-border apis links background color for the API link
--wiki-api-headertitle apidoc text color for the apidoc header title
CSS Property Applies To Comment
--wiki-link a color for normal links
--wiki-link-visited a color for visited links
--wiki-link-active a color for active links
--wiki-lighterlink-background a background color for lighter links
--wiki-lighterlink a text color for lighter links
--wiki-linktooltip-background notes tooltip background color for notes tooltips
--wiki-linktooltip-border notes tooltip border color for notes tooltips
--wiki-linktooltipbox-background notes tooltip background color for notes tooltips boxes


CSS Property Applies To Comment
--wiki-table-border table element border color for the table cells
--wiki-tableheader-background table element background for the table header
--wiki-tablecaption-background table element background for the table caption
--wiki-tablecaption-border table element border color for the table caption
--wiki-tableheader-color table element text color for the table header
--wiki-tablecell-even-background table element background color for even rows in tables
--wiki-tablecell-odd-background table element background color for odd rows in tables

Message box

CSS Property Applies To Comment
--wiki-messagebox-default-color messageBox element text color for a messageBox of the default type
--wiki-messagebox-defaultbackground messageBox element background color for a messageBox of the default type
--wiki-messagebox-info-color messageBox element text color for a messageBox of the info type
--wiki-messagebox-info-background messageBox element background color for a messageBox of the info type
--wiki-messagebox-success-color messageBox element text color for a messageBox of the success type
--wiki-messagebox-success-background messageBox element background color for a messageBox of the success type
--wiki-messagebox-warning-color messageBox element text color for a messageBox of the warning type
--wiki-messagebox-warning-background messageBox element background color for a messageBox of the warning type
--wiki-messagebox-error-color messageBox element text color for a messageBox of the error type
--wiki-messagebox-error-background messageBox element background color for a messageBox of the error type
--wiki-messagebox-progress-color messageBox element text color for a messageBox of the progress type
--wiki-messagebox-progress-background messageBox element background color for a messageBox of the progress type
--wiki-messagebox-caption-background messageBox element background color for a messageBox caption

Syntax in pre

CSS Property Applies To Comment
--wiki-syntax-keyWord1 syntax highlighting KEYWORD1 color for syntax highlighting
--wiki-syntax-keyWord2 syntax highlighting KEYWORD2 color for syntax highlighting
--wiki-syntax-comment syntax highlighting COMMENT color for syntax highlighting
--wiki-syntax-literal syntax highlighting LITERAL color for syntax highlighting
--wiki-syntax-label syntax highlighting LABEL color for syntax highlighting
-wiki-syntax-default syntax highlighting Default color for syntax highlighting
For example:
   public void toto(int i) {
     int a = 2; // this is a Comment 
     String s = "this is a Literal";
In this Java syntax:
  • public, void, and int use the KEYWORD1 color
  • "this is a comment" use the COMMENT color
  • The other elements use the Default color
      keyword=first value
In this Properties syntax:
  • keyword use the KEYWORD1 color
  • The other elements use the Default color
  SELECT ?eltLabel ?class
  ?elt rdf:type ?class .
  ?elt rdf:type my:Element .
  ?elt my:Label ?eltLabel .
In this SPARQL syntax:
  • SELECT, SELECT and WHERE use the KEYWORD1 color
  • The ?elt, etc... elements use the LABEL color
  • The other elements use the Default color

Other elements

CSS Property Applies To Comment
--wiki-pre-background pre
background for the pre, source, or code
--wiki-pre-border pre
border color for the pre, source, or code
--wiki-img-border img element border color for the image
--wiki-infobox-background infobox background for the infobox
--wiki-infobox-border infobox border color for the infobox
--wiki-blockquote-border blockquote border color for the blockquote
--wiki-tree-ulborder-color tree tree segments color
--wiki-comment-background comment background color for comments
--wiki-highlight search background color for highlighted text in full text search
--wiki-todo-background todo background color for TODOs
--wiki-todo-border todo border color for TODOs
--wiki-lightbox-close img element color of the close button in images lightbox
--wiki-lightbox-close-focus img element color of the focused close button in images lightbox
--wiki-lightbox-caption img element color of caption text in images lightbox

Setting global properties

Appart from the specified properties for the wiki, global html properties can be set in the theme CSS file. For example, you can specify that all text must be white and the background must be black with:
  :root {
     --wiki-background: #f5faff; /* the background color for the table of content, the boxes, and the left menu */
     background-color: black;
     color: white;

See also

Categories: configuration

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