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HTML entities list

The generator handles html entities such as ">" (>).

List of supported entities

The htmlEntities file presents the list of supported HTML entities.

The following tables present this list in a comprehensive manner.

Accented characters

HTML entity Unicode Character name Character
é é small letter E with acute é
è è small letter E with grave è
ê ê small letter E with circumflex ê
ë ë small letter E with diaeresis ë
û û small letter U with circumflex û
á á small letter A with acute á
à à small letter A with grave à
Ø Ø capital O with slash Ø

Greek characters

HTML entity Unicode Character name Character
µ µ micro µ
α α small alpha α
β β small beta β
δ δ small delta δ
ρ ॡ small rho ρ
π π small pi π
σ σ small sigma σ
φ φ small phi φ
ψ ψ small psi ψ
ω ω small omega ω
μ μ small mu μ
λ λ small lambda λ
γ γ small gamma γ
ε ε small epsilon ε
θ θ small theta θ
ϖ ϖ pi symbol ϖ
ϕ ϕ phi symbol ϕ
Δ Δ big delta Δ

Mathematical symbols

HTML entity Unicode Character name Character
½ ½ fraction 1/2 ½
¼ ¼ fraction 1/4 ¼
× × times ×
⁢ ⁢ invisible times
∈ ∈ element of
∉ ∉ not element of
∅ ∅ empty
∀ ∀ for all
∏ ∏ n-ary product
∑ ∑ n-ary sum
∃ ∃ there exist
&lt; &#x003C; less than <
&gt; &#x003E; greater than >
&le; &#x2264; less or equal than
&ge; &#x2265; greater or equal than
&int; &#x222B; integral
&cong; &#x2245; congruent
&cap; &#x2229; cap (intersection symbol)
&cup; &#x222A; cup (union symbol)
&asymp; &#x2248; almost equal
&sim; &#x223C; similar to
&sub; &#x2282; subset of
&sup; &#x2283; superset of
&nsub; &#x2284; not subset of
&sube; &#x2286; subset or equal
&supe; &#x2287; superset or equal
&ne; &#x2260; not equal
&infin; &#x221E; infinity
&radic; &#x221A; square root
&ni; &#x220B; contains as member
&plusmn; &#x00B1; plus or minus ±
&not; &#x00AC; not ¬
&and; &#x2227; and
&or; &#x2228; or
&lowast; &#x2217; asterisk
&ang; &#x2220; angle
&sdot; &#x22C5; dot operator
&nabla; &#x2207; nabla
&permil; &#x2030; per mille
&dagger; &#x2020; dagger

Arrow symbols

HTML entity Unicode Character name Character
&larr; &#x2190; left arrow
&rarr; &#x2192; right arrow
&uarr; &#x2191; up arrow
&darr; &#x2193; down arrow
&harr; &#x2194; left and right arrow
&lArr; &#x21D0; left double arrow
&rArr; &#x21D2; right double arrow
&uArr; &#x21D1; up double arrow
&dArr; &#x21D3; down double arrow
&hArr; &#x21D4; left and right double arrow
&xlarr; &#x27F5; long left arrow
&xrarr; &#x27F6; long right arrow
&xharr; &#x27F7; long left and right arrow
&xlArr; &#x27F8; long left double arrow
&xrArr; &#x27F9; long right double arrow
&xhArr; &#x27FA; long left and right double arrow

Miscellanous symbols

HTML entity Unicode Character name Character
&copy; &#x00A9; copyright ©
&trade; &#x2122; trademark
&ref; &#x00AE; registered trademark ®
&cent; &#x00A2; cent ¢
&yen; &#x00A5; yen ¥
&pound; &#x00A3; pound £
&euro; &#x20AC; euro
&deg; &#x00B0; degree °
This is the regular comma (,)
&#x002C; comma (,) ,
&InvisibleComma; &#x2063; invisible comma
&nbsp; &#x00A0; non breakable space  
&#x2022; bullet


The following text:
      this is a t&eacute;xt
Will have the following result:
      this is a téxt


  1. ^ This is the regular comma (,)

See also

Categories: syntax

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.