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    1  todo
       1.1  Example
    2  progress messageBox
       2.1  Example
    3  todo property
    4  todolist
       4.1  Example
    5  Notes
    6  See also

The "todo" element allows to add a "TODO" in the wiki. The "todolist" element allows to add a list of all TODOs found in the wiki (which is a list of all the "todo" elements found in the wiki with their associated article.

Adding todos and using the "todolist" element allows to show a comprehensive list of all things you still need to do in your wiki, in one place.


The "todo" element allows to add a "TODO" in the wiki.

The possible attributes re:
  • "todo" or "text": the text of the TODO
  • "reason": the reason of the TODO
  • "author": the author of the TODO
  • "date": the date of the TODO
  • "importance": the importance of the TODO. "normal" (the default) is for normal comments, "important" or "warning" is for important TODOs, "critical" is for critical TODOs

If there is no "todo" or "text" attribute, but there is a "reason" attribute, the text of the "reason" attribute will be used for the text and it will be considered that the TODO has a text and no reason.


The following example shows a simple TODO:
   <todo />
The following examples shows TODOs with a text:
   <todo todo="this is the text"/>
   <todo text="this is the text"/>
   <todo reason="this is the text"/>
The following examples shows TODOs with various attributes:
   <todo todo="this is the important TODO" importance="important" date="2024-10-12" author="Paul"/>
   <todo todo="this is another important TODO" importance="warning" reason="don't forget this one"/>
   <todo todo="this is the critical TODO" importance="critical"/>
The following content:
   An empty todo:
   A todo with a text:  
   <todo text="the TODO text"/>  
   An important todo:  
   <todo text="the TODO text" importance="important"/>
   A critical todo:  
   <todo text="the TODO text" importance="critical"/>     
   A todo with all attributes:  
   <todo text="the TODO text" reason="because I want" date="2024-10-12" author="Paul"/>
Will produce the following result:

progress messageBox

Main Article: messageBox element

The messageBox element with the "progress" type allows to add a "TODO" in the wiki. Note that it will only be considered as a "TODO" if the "todo" attribute is present[1]
If you use the "todo" attribute with other types of messageBox elements, it will not be taken into account


 <messageBox type="progress" todo="this will be in TODOs">
   this a in-progress text
   the second line
this a in-progress text
the second line

todo property

Main Article: Properties

The "todo" property shows the number of "todo" in the wiki and is always provided by default.

For example:
      The wiki has ${todo} TODOs.
Result: The wiki has 0 TODOs.


The "todolist" element allows to add a list of all TODOs found in the wiki (which is a list of all the todo elements found in the wiki with their associated article. This element has no attributes.


For example:
   number of TODOs: ${todo}.
   number of errors: ${errors}.
   <todolist />


  1. ^ If you use the "todo" attribute with other types of messageBox elements, it will not be taken into account

See also

Categories: syntax

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