<todo />The following examples shows TODOs with a text:
<todo todo="this is the text"/> <todo text="this is the text"/> <todo reason="this is the text"/>The following examples shows TODOs with various attributes:
<todo todo="this is the important TODO" importance="important" date="2024-10-12" author="Paul"/> <todo todo="this is another important TODO" importance="warning" reason="don't forget this one"/> <todo todo="this is the critical TODO" importance="critical"/>The following content:
An empty todo: <todo/> A todo with a text: <todo text="the TODO text"/> An important todo: <todo text="the TODO text" importance="important"/> A critical todo: <todo text="the TODO text" importance="critical"/> A todo with all attributes: <todo text="the TODO text" reason="because I want" date="2024-10-12" author="Paul"/>Will produce the following result:
<messageBox type="progress" todo="this will be in TODOs"> this a in-progress text <br/> the second line <messageBox>Result:
The wiki has ${todo} TODOs.
Result: The wiki has 0 TODOs.
number of TODOs: ${todo}. number of errors: ${errors}. todolist: <todolist />Result:
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