<meta desc="This text will appear in the dictionary and categories listings" />
<article desc="article name"> <altTitle desc="the other name" /> </article>
<article desc="hot spot"> <altTitle desc="hot-spot" /> </article>Then the "hot-spot" alternate title won't be added in the dictionary and the categories.
<article desc="article1"> <meta desc="this article is about" /> <altTitle desc="alternate title 1" /> <altTitle desc="alternate title 2" /> </article>and:
<article desc="article1"> <altTitle desc="alternate title 1" /> <altTitle desc="alternate title 2" /> <meta desc="this article is about" /> </article>
<article desc="an article" notesTwoColumns="true"> This is a very simple article. </article>
<article desc="an article"> This is a very simple article. </article>Another simple example, using the "see" tag, and specifying a category for the article.
<article desc="an article"> This is a very simple article. <see id="anotherArticle" desc="the other linked article" text="example of a SeeAlso element" /> <cat id="myCategory" /> </article>A more complex example, using the "seeAlso", "altTitle", and "meta" tags.
<article desc="an article"> <altTitle desc="second title" > <meta desc="A Very simple article example" > <seeAlso this="describing an article" other="specifying another type of article" id="another article" > This is a very simple article. <see id="anotherArticle" desc="the other linked article" text="example of a SeeAlso element" /> <cat id="myCategory" /> </article>
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