Element | Comment |
title | - |
div | - |
br | - |
empty | - |
hr | - |
date | - |
title | - |
moreInfo | - |
resource | - |
table | Including "caption", "column" and "cell" elements |
pre | Including hightlighting |
source | Including hightlighting |
code | - |
img | - |
anchor | - |
ref | - |
a | - |
wikipedia | - |
mediawiki | - |
javadoc | - |
qtdoc | - |
- | |
block | - |
blockquote | - |
ul | Including "li" elements |
ol | Including "li" elements |
tree | Trees are represented as bulleted lists. See also tree element support |
messageBox | - |
box | - |
infoBox | - |
note | - |
cite | - |
term | - |
todo | - |
html | - |
todolist | - |
video | The video is not embedded, only an hyperlink to the video is added |
<tree border="true" borderColor="black" fillColor="magenta"> <li>Parent <li>child 1</li> <li>child 2</li> </li> </tree>we have the following html result:
docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.