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Second packages tutorial

This article is a tutorial to use packages in your wiki. We will separate finished from unfinished content, and generate the wiki with only the finished content. We will not emit errors for references from the finished package to the unfinished package.

This avoid to have a lot of errors for content that is assumed incorrect, because one package is not included in te wiki generation. If we don't do that, it might be difficult to separate real errors (references errors in the finished package, for example), from those which are just due to the fact that we did not include the unfinished package yet.

The solution of this tutorial is in the docGenerator-tutorial-<version>.zip, in the secondPackageTutorial directory.

Create the wiki directory structure

We will create two directories:
  • One main directory which will contain a package with the "finished" content
  • One unfinished directory which will a package with the "unfinished" content, that we don't want to include in the wiki yet
To specify the content of the packages, we will add a package.xml file in the main directory with the following content:
   <package package="mainPackage" />
and package.xml file in the unfinished directory with the following content:
   <package package="unfinishedPackage" />
We now have two packages, one for the finished content, and one for the unfinished content.

Create the content of the main package

We will create one article in the main directory:
   <article desc="first article">
   The content of the first article. Link to the <ref id="unfinished article" package="unfinishedPackage" />.

Create the content of theunfinished package

We will also create one article in the unfinished directory:
   <article desc="unfinished article">
   The article content.

We xant to add a link from the first article in the closedPackage package to the first article in the openPackage package. For that, we have to add the package attribute to the reference:
      <article desc="closed article">
      The closed content of the article. Link to the <ref id="first article" package="openPackage"/>.

Adding an index

We will just create an index article in the main directory (the mainPackage package):
   The index.

Generate the wiki with only the finished packages

To generate the wiki with the mainPackage only, we will specify onyl set the the main directory in the "Input Directories" field.

However, after we Click on Apply, we have the following error message:
This is normal because we have a reference to an article which is not included in the wiki generation.

Create dependencies between the two packages

We will create a packages dependencies file which will accept all dependencies betwenn the packages, but will not show references errors:
   <packagesDependencies defaultCheck="accept">
      <package name="mainPackage" showUnresolvedReferences="false">
         <dependency name="unfinishedPackage" />
      <package name="unfinishedPackage">
         <dependency name="mainPackage" />

Now we don't have any error anymore.

See also

Categories: tutorials

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