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Access to external links

The following properties can be used to configure the way external links are accessed during the generation:
  • "checkLinks": to specify that the presence of external links must be checked
  • "urlExceptions": specifies the XML files for which URLs won't be checked
  • "timeouts": specifies the XML file setting specific timeouts for URLs
  • "userAgent": specifies the user agent used when accessing external links
  • "proxy.host": specifies the host for a proxy when accessing external links
  • "proxy.port": specifies the port for a proxy when accessing external links
  • "proxy.authentication": specifies that the proxy must be authenticated (default is false)
The "checkLinks" property specifies that the presence of external links must be checked[1]
for html pages, the presence of anchors if the "#" tag is found in the link construction is also checked
: See also checking external links.


The "urlExceptions" property specifies the XML file which will define URLs won't be checked (useful only if the "checkLinks" property is set to true).

UrlExceptions grammar

See The URLExceptions Schema.

The format of this XML file is very simple:
  <xs:element name="urlExceptions">
        <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
           <xs:element ref="urlException" />
  <xs:element name="urlException">
        <xs:attribute name="url" type="xs:anyURI" use="required" />
All the children URLs of the URLs specified in this file won't be checked. It avoid to return warnings in the case where some URLs are not allowed on the Network where the docJGenerator tool is used (black list or white list).

UrlExceptions XML file example

     <urlException url="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/" />


The "urlExceptions" property specifies the XML file which will define URLs won't be checked (useful only if the "checkLinks" property is set to true).

Timeouts grammar

See The timeouts Schema.

This file specifies specific timeouts in ms for children URLs of specified URLs.

Timeouts XML file example

  <timeouts timeout="300">
     <url url="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/" timeout="500" />
Here the default timeout is 300ms, but the timeout for the javadoc API website is 500ms.


This property specifies which user agent will be send when retrieving the URLs on the Network (for http URLs).:
  • The value "ie9" will set an IE9 user agent
  • Other values will specify directly the user agent
  • By default if not specified a Firefox 10 user agent will be assumed


A proxy to access external URLs can be specified with the threee following properties:
  • "proxy.host": specifies the host for a proxy when accessing external links
  • "proxy.port": specifies the port for a proxy when accessing external links
  • "proxy.authentication": specifies that the proxy must be authenticated (default is false)

Note that:
  • If the "proxy.authentication" property is set, the docJGenerator will ask for a user name and password at start. These properties will be used to configure the authentication context of the tool, but won't be memorized
  • The two "proxy.host" and "proxy.port" must be set to effectively use a Proxy


  1. ^ for html pages, the presence of anchors if the "#" tag is found in the link construction is also checked

See also

Categories: configuration

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.