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Custom properties

The CustomProperties interface allows to specify custom properties. Custom properties are usable both on the command-line and configuration file.

Note that if you define some of these properties in the command-line, they will be parsed only if you define them after specifying the docx output type. For example, this will not work:
      java -jar docGenerator.jar -input=wiki/input -output=wiki/output -hasTOC=false -outputType=docx
But this will work:
      java -jar docGenerator.jar -input=wiki/input -output=wiki/output -outputType=docx -hasTOC=false

Implementing custom properties

The CustomProperties interface has the following methods:
   public interface CustomProperties {
   * Return true if a specified property key is handled.
   public default boolean hasProperty(String key) {
   return getPropertiesTypes().containsKey(key);

   * Return the Map of properties types.
   public Map<String, Class<?>> getPropertiesTypes();

   * Set the value of a specified property.
   public void setProperty(String key, Object value);

   * Return the value of a specified property.
   public Object getProperty(String key);

   * Reset the properties.
   public void reset();

   * Setup the class after all the properties have been set.
   public void setup();

   * Set the parent parser which can be notified if an exception is detected while settting the property.
   public void setParser(ResolverXMLParser parser);

   * Set the ClassLoader used for the properties.
   public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader loader);      

Property types

The CustomProperties.getPropertiesTypes() method allows to get the property keys and the class of each property. The supported types are:
  • Boolean.TYPE and Boolean.class for boolean properties
  • Integer.TYPE and Integer.class for int properties
  • Float.TYPE and Float.class for float properties
  • URL.class for File properties
Each property detected on the command-line or the configuration file will be parsed according to its specified type.

See also

Categories: plugins

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.