The default content for an article shows the html content for the article, as it would be in the generated wiki:
A toolbar at the top of the html content allows several actions:
The toolbar offer initially the following buttons:
: The Refresh button allows to refresh the current content by parsing again the article
: The Edit button allows to enter in an XML edition mode of the article
In the edition mode, the content shows an XML editor of the article:
The toolbar has the following buttons:
The toolbar offer the following buttons:
: The Refresh button allows to refresh the current content by parsing again the element
: The Undo and Redo buttons allows to undo or redo the edition of the current element
: The Save button allows to save the content of the element on the File system. This will trigger a parsing of the file on the disk, and eventually will present errors detected during the parsing. If the content of the element has been modified, the icon color will change:
: The format button allows to format the XML content of Editor XML elements. The indentation for the formatted XML file is defined by the XML formatting Editor option
: The View button allows to exit the edition mode an enter again the html presentation of the article
Content for images definition, resources definition, and infobox definitions