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Unit tests categories

  • config: tests about the configuration
  • tofix: tests whioch are corerctly known to fail, either the test or code have to be fixed
  • depend: tests about the packages dependencies
  • gui: tests about the GUI interface
  • gene: tests about the complete generation using the application launcher
  • parser: tests about the parsing phase
  • writer: tests about the writing phase
  • menus: tests about the menus
  • forked: tests about the forked parsing mode
  • pagerank: tests about the PageRank parameter
  • help: tests about the DocGenerator Help feature
  • editor: tests about the DocGenerator editor
  • utils: tests about the utility classes used in the parser and the writer
  • userproperties: tests about user properties
  • properties: tests about properties
  • css: tests about the Custom StyleSheets
  • html: tests about Hand-written html articles
  • pdf: tests about the PDF generation
  • docx: tests about the DOCX generation
  • epub: tests about the Epub generation
  • doccontent: tests about the content of document generation
  • script: tests about Scripting
  • math: tests about mathematical formulas
  • links: tests about external links
  • include: tests about Templatess
  • redirect: tests about redirect articles
  • maps: tests about maps
  • packages: tests about packages
  • disamb: tests about Disambiguation articles
  • mediawiki: tests about the mediawiki syntax
  • markdown: tests about the markdown syntax
  • encoding: tests about the encodings support
  • model: test about the general model structure
  • index: tests about index articles
  • apis
  • apidoc
  • apigeneration: tests about the docJGenerator API
  • images: tests about image files
  • resources: tests about resource files
  • errors: tests about error messages
  • headerfooter: tests about footer and header files
  • fallback: tests about Fallback articles
  • glossary: tests about the glossary
  • todo: tests about the todos
  • review: tests about the review system
  • search: tests about the search
  • dictionary: tests about the dictionary
  • categories: tests about the categories
  • conditions: tests about conditions
  • updateMode: tests about the incremental generation
  • sentence: tests about regular sentences decoding
  • syntax-alttitle: tests about articles alternate titles
  • syntax-meta: tests about articles meta declaration
  • syntax-comment: tests about comments
  • syntax-code: tests about the code element
  • syntax-pre: tests about the pre element
  • syntax-html: tests about the html element
  • syntax-table: tests about the table element
  • syntax-title: tests about the title element
  • syntax-chapter: tests about the chapter element
  • syntax-anchor: tests about the anchor element
  • syntax-ref: tests about the ref element
  • syntax-moreinfo: tests about the moreInfo element
  • syntax-note: tests about the note element
  • syntax-seealso: tests about the seeAlso element
  • syntax-list: tests about the list element
  • syntax-tree: tests about the tree element
  • syntax-block: tests about the block element
  • syntax-blockquote: tests about the blockquote element
  • syntax-box: tests about the box element
  • syntax-video: tests about the video element
  • syntax-infobox: tests about the infobox element
  • syntax-todo: tests about the todo element
  • syntax-messagebox: tests about the messageBox element
  • syntax-font: tests about the font element
  • syntax-javadoc: tests about the javadoc element
  • syntax-empty: tests about empty lines
  • syntax-a: tests about the externals links
  • syntax-javaAPI
  • syntax-pythonAPI

Categories: development

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.