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Category: general

General informations


APIs and Mediawikis configuration file : Configure how to access external APIs and wikis
APIs documentation : This article presents the elements which link to APIs or embed APIs in the wiki
APIs elements : This article presents the elements which link to APIs or embed APIs in the wiki
APIs property : Configure how to access external APIs and wikis
Algorithm : This article presents the way the tool works
Ant integration : This article is about how to integrate the wiki generator in ant build files
Apidoc element : This article explains how the apidoc element can be used
apidoc : This article explains how the apidoc element can be used


Basic configuration : This article presents the basic usage and configuration of the tool
Basic usage : This article presents the basic usage and configuration of the tool


Character encoding : This article explains what character encoding is used for the input or the output files
Command-line : This article is about how to execute the application by the command-line without showing the UI
Command-line starting : This article is about how to execute the application by the command-line without showing the UI
Comparison with Markdown syntax : This article compares the docJGenerator syntax to the Markdown syntax
Comparison with other wikis softwares : This article compares the docJGenerator features with other wikis softwares
Comparison with wikipedia syntax : This article compares the docJGenerator syntax to the wikipedia syntax
Configuration : This article explains how to configure the tool
Custom left menu : It is possible to add custom items in the left menu, or even to completely change it
Custom menus : It is possible to add a custom content to the left menu, and also add a custom right menu to the index file
Customizing the wiki : This article explains how to customize the wiki presentation


Default left menu : The default content of the left menu contains:
Dependencies : This article is about the libraries dependencies of docJGenerator
Distribution : This article is about the distribution of the tool


Error messages : This article presents the list of errors which can be emitted during the parsing
Errors : This article explains how errors are handled in the parsing
Errors list : This article presents the list of errors which can be emitted during the parsing
Errors viewer : This article explains how parsing errors are presented in the tool


FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions


GUI Generation options : This article presents the generation options of the GUI
GUI interface : This article is about the GUI interface of the application
GUI tools : This article presents the GUI tools menu


History : This article explains the major updates of the tool
Home : The docJGenerator project allows to generate a html site with a list of XML files defining a documentation in a custom XML syntax
How to : This article explains how to use the syntax of the tool


Import JavaHelp errors list : This article presents the list of errors which can be emitted when importing JavaHelp content
Including html content : There are two ways to include hand-written html content in the wiki:


Javadocs APIs : Configure how to access external Javadocs APIs


License : License


Mediawikis : Configure how to access external Mediawikis
Menus : It is possible to add a custom content to the left menu, and also add a custom right menu to the index file


Opening the GUI : This article explains how to open the GUI
Overview : This article presents an overview of the tool


Performance : This article explains how to speed-up the performance of the generator
Prerequisites : This article is about the prerequisites of docJGenerator
Projects using docJGenerator : This article presents a list of projects which use the docJGenerator tool to generate their documentation


Qt APIs : Configure how to access external Qt APIs


Saving a configuration file : This article explains how to save a configuration file with the current state of the GUI
Showing the wiki status : This article explains how to show the wiki status in the wiki


Troubleshooting : Troubleshooting


Usage in a headless environment : This article is about how to execute the application in a headless environment


Wiki output overview : This article presents an overview of the wiki web site output
Wiki source tree : This article presents the concept of the wiki source tree
Wiki status : This article explains how to show the wiki status in the wiki

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.