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Category: configuration

Configuration informations


API documentation configuration : This article explains how to specify internal APIs documentations languages, used in the apidoc element
APIs and Mediawikis configuration file : Configure how to access external APIs and wikis
APIs property : Configure how to access external APIs and wikis
Access to external links : Configure how to access external links
Articles titles : This article explains how to customize the articles titles in the browser
apidoc configuration : This article explains how to specify internal APIs documentations languages, used in the apidoc element
apidocs property : This article explains how to specify internal APIs documentations languages, used in the apidoc element


Background : The optional background image or color to use for the articles page
Basic configuration : This article presents the basic usage and configuration of the tool
Basic usage : This article presents the basic usage and configuration of the tool


CSS : The "css" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify a custom StyleSheet for the HTML result
CSS selectors : This article explains the correspondance from elements to CSS selectors
CSharp generic API : This article presents the CSharp generic API
Checking external links : This article presents how the checking of external links is performed
Checking local links : This article presents how to use the acceptLocalLinks property
Configuration : This article explains how to configure the tool
Configuration file : It is possible to define an optional property / value configuration file when starting the application (using the graphical UI or the command line)
Custom StyleSheet : The "css" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify a custom StyleSheet for the HTML result
Custom element styles : This article explains the two ways to customize the elements style
Customizing articles titles : This article explains how to customize the articles titles in the browser
Customizing the elements style : This article explains the two ways to customize the elements style
count property : This article presents the count property which can be used in the wiki


DOCX content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
DOCX generation : This article explains how to generate a Word file rather than an HTML site
DOCX generation configuration : This article explains how to configure the generation of the PDF or DOCX file
DOCX generation plugin : This article explains how to generate a Word file rather than an HTML site
Document content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
Doxygen generic API : This article presents the Doxygen generic API


Elements to CSS selectors : This article explains the correspondance from elements to CSS selectors
Enforcing packages dependencies : This article explains how to enforce package dependencies
Epub content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
Epub generation : This article explains how to generate a Epub document rather than an HTML site
Epub generation configuration : This article explains how to configure the generation of the Epub file
Epub generation plugin : This article explains how to generate a Epub document rather than an HTML site
Errors : This article explains how errors are handled in the parsing


Generic API styles : This article presents the generic styles used by the apidocs configuration
Generic API types : This article explains which elements are managed by each generic API type
Generic apidocs API styles : This article presents the generic styles used by the apidocs configuration
Generic apidocs API types : This article explains which elements are managed by each generic API type


Incremental generation : This article explains how the incremental generation mode is working and how to configure it
Incremental generation file : This article presents the content of the incremental generation mode file
Input and ouput : This article explains the input and output command-line options
Input and ouput arguments : This article explains the input and output command-line options
Internal API documentation configuration : This article explains how to specify internal APIs documentations languages, used in the apidoc element


Java generic API : This article presents the Java generic API
Javadocs APIs : Configure how to access external Javadocs APIs


Localization : This article explains how to customize the localization of the wiki article pages


Mediawikis : Configure how to access external Mediawikis


Output formats : This article is about the outputType configuration property
OutputType configuration property : This article is about the outputType configuration property


PDF and DOCX content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
PDF and DOCX generation configuration : This article explains how to configure the generation of the PDF or DOCX file
PDF content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
PDF generation : This article explains how to generate a PDF file rather than an HTML site
PDF generation configuration : This article explains how to configure the generation of the PDF or DOCX file
PDF generation plugin : This article explains how to generate a PDF file rather than an HTML site
Packages dependencies : This article explains how to enforce package dependencies
Performance : This article explains how to speed-up the performance of the generator
Properties : This article presents the general properties which can be used in the wiki
Property : This article presents the general properties which can be used in the wiki
Python generic API : This article presents the Python generic API


Qt APIs : Configure how to access external Qt APIs


Setting a background : The optional background image or color to use for the articles page
Stylable syntax elements : This article explains the correspondance from elements to CSS selectors
StyleSheet theme : The "styleSheetTheme" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify the StyleSheet theme for the HTML result


Table of content configuration : It is possible to configure if and how the table of content is shown in the html output for each article
Theme : The "styleSheetTheme" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify the StyleSheet theme for the HTML result


Wiki content specification : This article explains how to filter and configure the content of the wiki output
Word generation : This article explains how to generate a Word file rather than an HTML site

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.