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How To

What links here: Command-line starting

Adding properties : This article explains how to add properties supported by the tool
Ant integration : This article is about how to integrate the wiki generator in ant build files
Basic usage : This article presents the basic usage and configuration of the tool
Configuration : This article explains how to configure the tool
Configuration file : It is possible to define an optional property / value configuration file when starting the application (using the graphical UI or the command line)
Custom properties : This article explains how to implements custom properties for Plugins
Custom StyleSheet : The "css" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify a custom StyleSheet for the HTML result
Distribution : This article is about the distribution of the tool
DocGenerator Help feature : This article explains how to use the JavaHelp-like feature of the tool
DOCX generation : This article explains how to generate a Word file rather than an HTML site
Epub generation : This article explains how to generate a Epub document rather than an HTML site
Epub generation configuration : This article explains how to configure the generation of the Epub file
Errors list : This article presents the list of errors which can be emitted during the parsing
Escaping non UTF8 characters : This article explains how to escape non UTF8 characters in the articles content
FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions
Generic apidocs API styles : This article presents the generic styles used by the apidocs configuration
GUI interface : This article is about the GUI interface of the application
Handling HTML entities : This article explains how to handle HTML entities in articles content
Help content StyleSheet configuration : This article explains how to configure the StyleSheet for the help content
How to : This article explains how to use the syntax of the tool
Input and ouput : This article explains the input and output command-line options
OutputType configuration property : This article is about the outputType configuration property
PDF and DOCX generation configuration : This article explains how to configure the generation of the PDF or DOCX file
PDF generation : This article explains how to generate a PDF file rather than an HTML site
Performance : This article explains how to speed-up the performance of the generator
Plugins framework : This article explains the Plugins framework
Prerequisites : This article is about the prerequisites of docJGenerator
Properties : This article presents the general properties which can be used in the wiki
Scripts : This article explains how to use the Scripting Plugin
Setting a background : The optional background image or color to use for the articles page
Specifying the index : This article explains the use case of specifying the index in the configuration
StyleSheet theme : The "styleSheetTheme" property in the configuration file or the command-line allows to specify the StyleSheet theme for the HTML result
Table of content configuration : It is possible to configure if and how the table of content is shown in the html output for each article
Usage in a headless environment : This article is about how to execute the application in a headless environment

docJGenerator Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Herve Girod. All rights reserved.