- getAdditionalContent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFooter
Return the optional footer additional content.
- getAdditionalTextContent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Return the TODO additional text content ( ncluding the date, the author, and the reason).
- getAlignment() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.JustifiedElement
Return the alignment of the element.
- getAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBox
Return the alignment of the box.
- getAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return the alignment of the element.
- getAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDiv
Return the alignment of the element.
- getAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the alignment of the image.
- getAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return the alignment of the Map.
- getAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLParagraph
Return the alignment of the element.
- getAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the alignment of the table.
- getAlignment(XMLTableCell) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the alignment of the cell in the table.
- getAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Return the alignment of the cell.
- getAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return the alignment of the video.
- getAllElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
- getAllElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
- getAllElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
- getAlternateTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article alternate titles.
- getAlternateTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article alternate titles.
- getAlternateTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the article alternate titles.
- getAlternateTitlesMap() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article alternate titles to the raw titles Map.
- getAlternateTitlesMap() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article alternate titles to the raw titles Map.
- getAnchor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the AnchorElement of a specified id (including the included articles or templates).
- getAnchor(String) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the AnchorElement of a specified id (including the included articles or templates).
- getAnchorElement() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the referenced anchor element.
- getAnchorElement() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the referenced anchor element.
- getAnchorElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return all the anchor elements of the articles sorted by their title.
- getAnchorElements() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return all the anchor elements of the articles sorted by their title. return null by default.
- getAnchors() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return all the "anchor" elements of the articles sorted by their title.
- getAnchors() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return all the "anchor" elements of the articles sorted by their title.
- getAPI() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the API name.
- getAPIPathType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLJavaAPI
Return the API link path type presentation.
- getAPIType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDotNetAPI
Return the API type.
- getAPIType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDoxygenAPI
Return the API type.
- getAPIType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLJavaAPI
Return the type of the API.
- getAPIType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPythonAPI
Return the API type.
- getAPIType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLQtAPI
Return the API type.
- getArgument() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIArgument
Return the argument.
- getArguments() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return the list of arguments.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return itself.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCommentList.ArticleComments
Return the article.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return this.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return this.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return the article in which this Map is used.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the article in which this message box is used.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return itself.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the XMLArticle which is really accessed through this Article.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return the article in which this resource reference is used.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodoList.ArticleTodos
Return the article.
- getArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Return the article.
- getArticleParents() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the articles which include this article.
- getArticleParents() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
- getArticleRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article ref.
- getArticleRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Return the associated reference.
- getArticleRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the associated reference.
- getArticleRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the associated reference.
- getArticleRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Return the article ref.
- getArticleType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article type.
- getArticleType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the article type.
- getArticleType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return the article type.
- getArticleType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIndex
Return the article type.
- getArticleType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article type.
- getArticleType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the article type.
- getAuthor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Return the link reference author.
- getAuthor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Return the author.
- getAuthor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Return the author.
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return the html background color of the text.
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return the html background color of the text.
- getBackgroundImage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the optional background imageDef.
- getBorderColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Return the tree border color.
- getBorderColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Return the item border color.
- getBorderType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBlock
Return the block border type.
- getBorderType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the image border type.
- getBorderType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return the pre block border type.
- getBorderType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Return the block border type.
- getBorderType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Return the block border type.
- getBottomBorderType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return the bottom border type.
- getBulletStyle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Return the bullet style.
- getCaption() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the image caption.
- getCaption() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox
Return the infobox caption.
- getCaption() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the caption of the box (may be null if there is no caption).
- getCaption() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the table caption.
- getCaptionPositionType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the type of the positioning for the box caption.
- getCategories() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the categories on which this article belongs.
- getCategories() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the categories on which this article belongs.
- getCategories() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return null.
- getCategories() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the categories on which this article belongs.
- getCategories() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the categories on which this article belongs.
- getCategory() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCategoryReference
Return the referenced article.
- getCategoryReference() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExtendedImage
Return the category reference on the image.
- getCategoryReference() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the category reference on the image.
- getCell(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return the cell at a specified index.
- getCells() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return the cells in the table row.
- getChapters() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDiv
Return null.
- getChapters() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParent
Return the element children chapters.
- getChapters() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
- getClassName() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPythonAPI
Return the API class name.
- getColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the message box background color.
- getColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return the html color of the text.
- getColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Return the cell background color.
- getColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return the row background color.
- getColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return the html color of the text.
- getColSpan() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Return the cell column span.
- getColumn(XMLTableCell) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the column associated with a cell.
- getColumns() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableHeader
Return the columns in the header.
- getColumnWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableColumn
Return the column width (-1 is the width is not fixed)
- getComment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Return the comment.
- getComments() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCommentList
Return the comments sorted by article id.
- getComments() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodoList.ArticleTodos
Return the comments.
- getConcreteImage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the associated concrete Image.
- getConditionElementsList() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ListElement
Return the list of elements for a condition.
- getConditionElementsList() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return the list of elements for a condition.
- getConditionUniqueElement() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ListElement
Return the unique element for a condition.
- getConditionUniqueElement() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return the unique element for a condition.
- getConditionUniqueElement() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Return the unique element for a condition.
- getConditionUniqueElement() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Return the unique element for a condition.
- getConstructors() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the list of constructors.
- getCustomMenu() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMenu
Return the additional custom HTML menu.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StyledElement
Return the element custom classes.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBlock
Return the element custom classes.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBlockquote
Return the element custom classes.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return the element custom classes.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the element custom classes.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Return the element custom classes.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLListItem
Return the element custom classes.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the element custom classes.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the element custom classes.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Return the element custom classes.
- getCustomStyles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Return the element custom classes.
- getDate() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Return the link reference date.
- getDate() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Return the date.
- getDate() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDate
Return the date.
- getDate() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Return the date.
- getDate2() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDate
Return the second date.
- getDateAndTime() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDate
Return a localized version of the delta between the two dates.
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StyledElement
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAnchor
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAPIDoc
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAPIDocElement
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArchiveURL
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAudio
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBasicNote
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBlock
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBlockquote
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBox
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBreak
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCode
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCommentList
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCondition
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDate
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDiv
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDotNetAPI
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDoxygenAPI
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLEmptyLine
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExternalLink
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHR
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHTMLElement
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLJavaAPI
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLListItem
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMailLink
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMediawikiLink
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMoreInfo
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMoreInfoRef
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLParagraph
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPythonAPI
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLQtAPI
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSeeAlso
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSeeAlsoHeading
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSeeArticle
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSentence
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTab
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableColumn
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableHeader
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTerm
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodoList
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWikipediaLink
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Return the declaration ID of the element.
- getDefinition() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox
Return the infobox associated definition.
- getDesc() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCategoryReference
Return the reference text.
- getDesc() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLGlossaryReference
Return the reference text.
- getDesc() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Return the reference text.
- getDesc() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the reference text.
- getDesc() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the reference text.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article description.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the article description.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return the article title.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article description.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the article description.
- getDescription(XMLParentArticle, String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the description associated to an ID and an article.
- getDescription(XMLParentArticle, String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSeeArticle
Return the description associated to an ID and an article.
- getDisambArticles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the disambiguated articles.
- getDisambElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return a disambiguation elements.
- getDocument() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the document.
- getEffectiveWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableColumn
Return the column effective width, if the width is specified for a column element.
- getElement(int) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ParagraphElementParent
Return the nth of child element.
- getElement() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the element in which this image reference is used.
- getElementIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Return the index of the currently handled element in the wiki source tree.
- getElements() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ParagraphElementParent
Return the list of children elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBox
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCode
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIfCondition
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIfListCondition
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIArgument
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox.BaseProperty
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Return the list of children elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLListItem
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTerm
Return the list of elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return the list of children elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Return the list of children elements.
- getElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Return the list of elements.
- getElementsAfter() - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Return all the elements after the current element.
- getElementsBefore() - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Return all the elements before the current element.
- getElementType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the element type as a String.
- getElseCondition() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCondition
Return the else condition.
- getExtensionType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExtendedImage
Return the extension type.
- getExtensionType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the extension type.
- getExternalLink() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExtendedImage
Return the external link on the image.
- getExternalLink() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the external link on the image.
- getExternalLink() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox.BaseProperty
- getFields() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the map of fields.
- getFieldsAsList() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the map of fields as a map of lists.
- getFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHeader
Return the additional header output file.
- getFillColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Return the tree background color.
- getFillColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Return the item background color.
- getFirstElement() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ParagraphElementParent
Return the first element of null if there are no children elements.
- getFirstRow(ArticlesModel) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the first row.
- getFontFace() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return the font face of the text.
- getFontFace() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return the font face of the text.
- getFrameFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article frame HTML file.
- getHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Construct the header text for the article.
- getHeader() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Construct the header text for the article.
- getHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Construct the header text for the redirect article.
- getHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Construct the header text for the article.
- getHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Construct the header text for the article.
- getHeader() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Construct the header text for the article.
- getHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Construct the header text for the redirect article.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the image height.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return the Map height.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return the image height.
- getHeightType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the image height type.
- getHRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the image path.
- getHRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the image path.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.ArticleRef
Return the article id.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAnchor
Return the ID of the anchor.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBasicNote
Return the node ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCategoryReference
Return the referenced category ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return the chapter id.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Return the node ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the article ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFooter
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHeader
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox
Return the infobox ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLListItem
Return the optional "li" element ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLNoteRef
Return the anchored element ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the article ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return the referenced resource ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTerm
Return the anchored element ID.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Return the title id.
- getID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Return the ID of the anchor.
- getIfCondition() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCondition
Return the if condition.
- getImage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the associated image definition.
- getImage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the associated imageDef definition.
- getImageDimension() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the underlying image dimension (ie the width and height).
- getImageID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the image reference ID.
- getImageID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the imageDef reference ID.
- getImageMap() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExtendedImage
Return the image image Map (can be null).
- getImageMap() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return null.
- getImageReferenceDimension() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the underlying image reference dimension (ie the width and height).
- getIncludes() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the list of included articles or templates.
- getIncludes() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the list of included articles or templates.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBasicNote
Return the node index.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Return the node index.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Return the comment index.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the todo index.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Return the todo index.
- getInfoboxes() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the list of infoboxes.
- getInfoboxes() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the list of infoboxes.
- getInfos() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMoreInfo
Return the children references.
- getInlinedStyle() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StyledElement
Return the element custom inline style.
- getInlinedStyle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the element custom inline style.
- getInlinedStyle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the element custom inline style.
- getInputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article input XML file.
- getInputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the article input XML file.
- getInputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return the article input XML file.
- getInputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the input File for the image.
- getInputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article input XML file.
- getInputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the article input XML file.
- getInputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return the input File for the resource.
- getInputURL() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the input URL for the image.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCommentList
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodoList
- getItems(ArticlesModel) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Return the list elements in the list.
- getItems(ArticlesModel) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Return the tree elements in the list.
- getItems() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Return the list elements in the tree.
- getJustification() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.JustifiedElement
Return the justification of the element.
- getJustification() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the justification of the article.
- getJustification() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return the justification of the element.
- getJustification() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDiv
Return the justification of the element.
- getJustification() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLParagraph
Return the justification of the element.
- getKey() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox.Property
Return the property key.
- getLang() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWikipediaLink
Return the link lang.
- getLanguage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the API language.
- getLastElement() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ParagraphElementParent
Return the last element of null if there are no children elements.
- getLastTextElement() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return the last text element.
- getLatitudeCenter() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return the map center latitude.
- getLeftText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHeader
Return the header left Text.
- getLevel() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBlockquote
Return the blockquote level.
- getLevel() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return the chapter level.
- getLevel() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Return the title level.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCategoryReference
Return the line where the reference appear.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the line where the reference appear.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Return the line where the reference appear.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMailLink
Return the line where the reference appear.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the line where the reference appear.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the line where the reference appear.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the line where the reference appear.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return the line where the reference appear.
- getLinksFrom() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the articles from which there is a reference to this article.
- getLinksFrom() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the articles from which there is a reference to this article.
- getLinksFromFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article links from HTML file.
- getLinksFromFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the article links from HTML file.
- getLinksFromFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return null.
- getLinksFromFile() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the article links from HTML file.
- getLinksFromFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article links from HTML file.
- getList() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCommentList
Return the comment list as a "ol" element.
- getList() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodoList
Return the todo list as a "ol" element.
- getLongitudeCenter() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return the map center lontitude.
- getMail() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMailLink
Return the mail.
- getMapID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return the ID of the Map in its article.
- getMaps() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the list of maps in the article.
- getMargin() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the associated Image margin.
- getMaxIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the maximum index of articles which have the name of this disambiguation article.
- getMemberDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return the member method declaration.
- getMenuItems() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMenu
Return the menu items.
- getMessageBoxes() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the message boxes.
- getMessageBoxes() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the message boxes.
- getMeta() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the meta description to be used for the article for the dictionnary or categories.
- getMeta() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the meta description to be used for the article for the dictionnary or categories.
- getMeta() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the meta description to be used for the article for the dictionnary or categories.
- getMeta() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the meta description to be used for the article for the dictionnary or categories.
- getMethods() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the map of methods.
- getModel() - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Return the Articles Model.
- getModifierAndType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return the member modifier and type.
- getModifiers() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAPIDoc
Return the modifiers.
- getModifiers() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAPIDocElement
Return the modifiers.
- getModifiers() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the modifiers.
- getModifiers() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return the modifiers.
- getModule() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLJavaAPI
Return the module.
- getName() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return the member name.
- getNamedSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return the HTML named size of the text.
- getNamedSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return the HTML named size of the text.
- getNextElement() - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Return the next element after the current element.
- getNote(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the note of a specified ID.
- getNote() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLNoteRef
Return the note.
- getNoteID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLNoteRef
Return the id of the note reference.
- getNoteIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLNoteRef
Return the index of the note reference.
- getNoteReferences() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBasicNote
- getNoteReferences() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
- getNotes() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the notes.
- getNotes() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the notes.
- getNotesByID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the notes sorted by their ID.
- getNotNullURL() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArchiveURL
Return a not null link URL.
- getNumericSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return the numeric size of the text.
- getNumericSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return the numeric size of the text.
- getOriginalLink(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArchiveURL
Return the original article link.
- getOriginalLink() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArchiveURL
Return the original article link.
- getOriginArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCategoryReference
Return the article which emit the reference.
- getOriginArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLGlossaryReference
Return the article which emit the reference.
- getOriginArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Return the article which emit the reference.
- getOriginArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the article which emit the reference.
- getOtherText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSeeAlsoHeading
Return the SeeAlso associated text for the destination article.
- getOutputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article output HTML file.
- getOutputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the article output HTML file.
- getOutputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return the article output HTML file.
- getOutputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHeader
Return the HTML root element output file.
- getOutputFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article output HTML file.
- getOutputPath() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return the resource output path.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.ArticleRef
Return the article package.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article package.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return null.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return the article package.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the image reference package.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Return the included article package.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox
Return the infobox reference package.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the imageDef reference package.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article package.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the article package.
- getPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return the resource reference package.
- getPadding() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the padding of the table rows.
- getParagraphs() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDiv
Return null.
- getParagraphs() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParent
Return the element children paragraphs.
- getParagraphs() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
- getParent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAPIDocElement
Return the parent element.
- getParent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return null.
- getParent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return the chapter parent.
- getParent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return null.
- getParent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDiv
Return null.
- getParent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return null.
- getParent() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParent
Return the element parent.
- getParent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
- getParent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
- getParent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
- getParentAPI() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return the parent API.
- getParentList() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ListElement
Return the parent list.
- getParentList() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Return the parent list.
- getParentList() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLListItem
Return the parent list.
- getParentStyle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return null.
- getParentTree() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
- getParentTree() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
- getPath() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAudio
Return the link path.
- getPath() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExternalLink
Return the link path.
- getPath() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the path.
- getPath() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return the path.
- getPath() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return the resource path.
- getPath() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return the link path.
- getPreFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return the File associated with the pre element.
- getPreviousElement() - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Return the previous element before the current element.
- getPreviousTitleIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Return the index of the title or chapter preceding the include element (0 means that there is no title or chapter before the include
- getProjection() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return the map projection.
- getProperties() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox
Return the infobox properties.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox
Return the property of a specified key.
- getPublisher() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Return the link reference publisher.
- getQuote() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Return the noteRef associated quote.
- getRawHTMLFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the article raw HTML file.
- getReason() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the reason of the TODO.
- getReason() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Return the reason of the TODO.
- getRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Return the comment reference composed using the comment index.
- getRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the todo reference composed using the todo index.
- getRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Return the todo reference composed using the todo index.
- getReference() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExtendedImage
Return the reference on the image.
- getReference() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the reference on the image.
- getReferencedArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Return the referenced article.
- getReferencedArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the XMLArticle which is really accessed through this Article.
- getReferencedArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the referenced article.
- getReferences() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the references used in the article.
- getReferences() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the references used in the article.
- getReferTo() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIndex
Return the article id on which the index is referring to.
- getReferToArticle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIndex
Set the article on which the index is referring to.
- getRefID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Return the other article reference ID.
- getRefID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the referenced article ID.
- getRefID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the other article reference ID.
- getRefPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the referenced article package.
- getRefPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the article reference package.
- getRelativePath() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the relative path of the article XML file, from the associated root.
- getResource() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return the associated resource definition.
- getReviewElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the review elements.
- getReviewElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCommentList.ArticleComments
Return the review elements.
- getReviewElements() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the review elements.
- getRightText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHeader
Return the header right text.
- getRoot() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the root directory.
- getRoot() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the root directory.
- getRootElementType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFooter
Return the RootElement.FOOTER
- getRootElementType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHeader
Return the RootElement.HEADER
- getRoots() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHTMLElement
Return the root Nodes.
- getRowIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Return the index of the cell in the row.
- getRows(ArticlesModel) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the rows in the table.
- getRowSpan() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Return the cell row span.
- getScrollingType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return the scrolling type.
- getSearchableTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the map of Searchable titles.
- getSearchableTitles() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the map of Searchable titles.
- getSearchableTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the map of Searchable titles.
- getSeeAlso() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the list of SeeAlso references.
- getSeeAlso() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the list of SeeAlso references.
- getSeeAlsoHeading() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the SeeAlso in the heading if its exists.
- getSeeAlsoHeading() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the SeeAlso in the heading if its exists.
- getSeq() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return the title sequence id.
- getSeq() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Return the title sequence id.
- getSiblingElement(int) - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Return a sibling element with an offset relative to the current element.
- getSiblingElementTypeDecl(int) - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Return the type declaration of the sibling element with an offset relative to the current element.
- getSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return the size of the text.
- getSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return the size of the text.
- getStartItem() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Return the start item of an ordered (ol) list.
- getState() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox.EnumProperty
Return the property state.
- getStringValue() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDate
Return a localized version of the date or time.
- getStyle() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StyledElement
Return the style class of the element.
- getStyle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAnchor
Return the style class of the element.
- getStyle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Return the style class of the element.
- getStyle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSentence
Return the style class of the element.
- getStyle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return the style class of the element.
- getSuffix() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article name suffix (used for articles which have the name of an already existing article).
- getSuffix() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return the article name suffix (used for articles which have the name of an already existing article).
- getSupportedDeclarations(String...) - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Creates a set of elements declarations which will be handled by this ElementHook.
- getSyntax() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return the pre syntax.
- getSyntaxType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the article syntax type.
- getTableHeader() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the table header.
- getTerm() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTerm
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAnchor
Return the anchor text.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAudio
Return null.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Return the link description text.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExternalLink
Return the link description text.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFooter
Return the footer text.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLJavaAPI
Return the link description text.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMailLink
Return the mail description text.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return the resource text.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSeeAlso
Return the SeeAlso associated text
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSentence
Return the text.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return the text.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return null.
- getText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Return the text.
- getText(XMLCode) - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Return the text associated with a code element.
- getText(XMLPre) - Method in class org.docgene.scripts.DocJScriptContext
Return the text associated with a pre element.
- getThisText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSeeAlsoHeading
Return the SeeAlso associated text for the origin article.
- getTime() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDate
Return a localized version of the delta between the two dates.
- getTimestamp() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArchiveURL
Return the time stamp.
- getTitle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return the chapter title.
- getTitle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return the article title.
- getTitle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Return the title title.
- getTitledElementsList() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the ordered list of titled elements (chapters or titles).
- getTitledElementsList() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return the ordered list of titled elements (chapters or titles).
- getTitlesOrIncludes() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return the list of titles and XMLInclude elements.
- getTodos() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodoList
Return the non empty todos sorted by article id.
- getTODOText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Return the text of the comment.
- getTODOText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Return the text of the TODO.
- getTopBorderType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return the top border type.
- getTrimmedLeftLength() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return the length of the spaces before the pre on the same line.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAudio
Return the audio type.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Return the type of the comment.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDate
Return the type.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return the fallback article type.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return the element type.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return the element type.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return the message box type.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return the font type of the text.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return the font type of the text.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Return the type of the TODO.
- getType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return the video type.
- getURL() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAudio
Return the link URL.
- getURL() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Return the link URL.
- getURL() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExternalLink
Return the link URL.
- getURL() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return the URL.
- getURL() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return the link URL.
- getURLAsString() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExternalLink
Return the complete link URL as a String.
- getURLAsString() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWikipediaLink
Return the complete link URL as a String.
- getValue() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox.Property
Return the property value.
- getVerticalAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the vertical alignment of the image.
- getVideoURL() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return the link to the video.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBox
Return the box width.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return the image width.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return the Map width.
- getWidth(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSizedTableRow
Return the specified width for one cell.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return the table width.
- getWidth(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return the specified width for one cell.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return the image width.
- getWidths() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSizedTableRow
Return the row specified widths for its cells.
- getWidths() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return the row specified widths for its cells.
- getWidthType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBox
Return true if the box width is limited to the content width.
- getWiki() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMediawikiLink
Return the mediawiki reference.
- getWord() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Return the associated word.
- getWriteInstruction() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Return the write instruction for the the word.
- getZoomLevel() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return the map zoom level.