- setAbsoluteWidth(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the image absolute width.
- setAdditionalContent(List<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFooter
Set the optional footer additional content.
- setAlignment(char) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.JustifiedElement
Set the alignment of the element.
- setAlignment(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBox
Set the alignment of the box.
- setAlignment(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set the alignment of the element.
- setAlignment(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDiv
Set the alignment of the element.
- setAlignment(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the alignment of the image.
- setAlignment(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Set the alignment of the Map.
- setAlignment(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLParagraph
Set the alignment of the element.
- setAlignment(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set the alignment of the table.
- setAlignment(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Set the alignment of the cell.
- setAlignment(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Set the alignment of the video.
- setAPIPathType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLJavaAPI
Set if the API link path type presentation.
- setAPIType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDotNetAPI
Set the API type.
- setAPIType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDoxygenAPI
Set the API type.
- setAPIType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLJavaAPI
Set the type of the API.
- setAPIType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPythonAPI
Set the API type.
- setAPIType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLQtAPI
Set the API type.
- setArgument(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIArgument
Set the argument.
- setArticleNameAlreadyTaken(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set if the article name was already taken, and the article was not added in the model.
- setArticleNameAlreadyTaken(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set if the article name was already taken, and the article was not added in the model.
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Set the link reference author.
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Set the author.
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Set the author.
- setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Set the html background color of the text.
- setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Set the html background color of the text.
- setBorderColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Set the tree border color.
- setBorderColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Set the item border color.
- setBorders(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set if the table has borders.
- setBorders(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Set if the table cells of the row have borders.
- setBorderType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBlock
Set if the block border type.
- setBorderType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set if the image border type.
- setBorderType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Set if the pre block border type.
- setBorderType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Set if the block border type.
- setBorderType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Set if the block border type.
- setBottomBorderType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Set the bottom border type.
- setBounds(double, double, int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Set the map bounds.
- setBulletStyle(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Set the bullet style.
- setCaption(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the image caption.
- setCaption(String, short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Set the message box caption.
- setCaption(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set the table caption.
- setCategories(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the categories on which this article belongs.
- setCategories(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the categories on which this article belongs.
- setClassName(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPythonAPI
Set the API class name.
- setColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Set the message box background color.
- setColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Set the html color of the text.
- setColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Set the cell background color.
- setColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Set the row background color.
- setColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Set the html color of the text.
- setColSpan(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Set the cell column span.
- setComment(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Set the comment.
- setCompact(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAPIDoc
Set if the api should have a compact representation.
- setCustomMenu(List<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMenu
Set an additional custom HTML menu.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StyledElement
Set the element custom classes.
- setCustomStyles(String) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StyledElement
Set the element custom styles.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBlock
Set the element custom classes.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBlockquote
Set the element custom classes.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set the element custom classes.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Set the element custom classes.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Set the element custom classes.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLListItem
Set the element custom classes.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Set the element custom classes.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set the element custom classes.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Set the element custom classes.
- setCustomStyles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Set the element custom classes.
- setDate(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Set the link reference date.
- setDate(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Set the date.
- setDate(Date) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDate
Set the date.
- setDate(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Set the date.
- setDate2(Date) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDate
Set the second date.
- setDefaultContent(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMenu
Set if the menu must have a default content.
- setDesc(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCategoryReference
Set the reference text.
- setDesc(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLGlossaryReference
Set the reference text.
- setDesc(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Set the reference text.
- setDescription(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the article description.
- setDescription(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Set the article description.
- setDescription(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Set the article description.
- setDescription(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIndex
Do nothing.
- setDescription(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the article description.
- setDescription(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Set the article description.
- setDocument(Document) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the document.
- setDuplicate(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set if the chapter is a duplicate of another existing title.
- setDuplicate(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Set if the title is a duplicate of another existing title.
- setEffectiveWidth(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableColumn
Set the column effective width, if the width is specified for a column element.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ParagraphElementParent
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBox
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCode
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIArgument
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox.BaseProperty
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLListItem
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Set the pre elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTerm
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Set the list of elements.
- setElements(List<ParagraphElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Set the list of elements.
- setElseCondition(XMLIfCondition) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCondition
Set the else condition.
- setFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHeader
Set the additional header file.
- setFillColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Set the tree background color.
- setFillColor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Set the item background color.
- setFirstInLine(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set if the image is the first element in its line.
- setFixedLayout(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set if the table has a fixed layout.
- setFixedMenuOptions(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMenu
Set if the options in the menu are always present.
- setFloat(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set if the image element should have the "float" attribute.
- setFloat(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Set if the map element should have the "float" attribute.
- setFloat(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set if the table element should have the "float" attribute.
- setFontFace(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Set the font face of the text.
- setFontFace(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Set the font face of the text.
- setGlobalIndex(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIndex
Set if the index is the global index.
- setHasBackground(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCode
Set if the code element has a background.
- setHasBackground(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Set if the pre element has a background.
- setHasColor(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Set if the pre has a specified background color.
- setHasImageMaps(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set if the article has image maps.
- setHeight(int, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the image height.
- setHeight(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Set the Map height.
- setHeight(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Set the video height.
- setHeightAsText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the image height as the same height as the text.
- setHorizontalBorders(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Set if the table cells of the row have horizontal borders.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAnchor
Set the ID of the anchor.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the article ID.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBasicNote
Set the node ID
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set the chapter id.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Set the node ID
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Set the article ID.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Do nothing.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the image ID.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLListItem
Set the optional "li" element ID.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLNoteRef
Do nothing.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the article ID.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Set the article ID.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTerm
Do nothing.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Set the title id.
- setID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Set the ID of the anchor.
- setIfCondition(XMLIfCondition) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCondition
Set the if condition.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBasicNote
Set the node index.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Set the node index.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Set the comment index.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Set the todo index.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Set the todo index.
- setInFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set if the article content is in a frame.
- setInlinedStyle(String) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StyledElement
Set the element custom inline style.
- setInlinedStyle(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Set the element custom inline style.
- setInlinedStyle(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set the element custom inline style.
- setInputFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the article input XML file.
- setInputFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Set the article input XML file.
- setInputFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Set the article input XML file.
- setInputFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the article input XML file.
- setInputFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Set the article input XML file.
- setInvisibleChars(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Set if the invisible char character is supported.
- setJustification(char) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.JustifiedElement
Set the justification of the element.
- setJustification(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the justification of the article.
- setJustification(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set the justification of the element.
- setJustification(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDiv
Set the justification of the element.
- setJustification(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLParagraph
Set the justification of the element.
- setKeepCase(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set if the article title should keep the title description case.
- setKeepCase(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set if the chapter description should keep the title description case.
- setKeepCase(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Set if the article title should keep the title description case.
- setKeepCase(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Set if the article title should keep the title description case.
- setKeepCase(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Set if the title description should keep the title description case.
- setKeepNumbering(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Set if the titles numbering levels is kept.
- setLang(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWikipediaLink
Set the link lang.
- setLeftText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHeader
Set the header leftText.
- setLevel(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Set the title level.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCategoryReference
Set the line number where the reference appear.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the line number where the reference appear.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Set the line number where the reference appear.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMailLink
Set the line number where the reference appear.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Set the line number where the reference appear.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Set the line number where the reference appear.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Set the line number where the reference appear.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Set the line number where the reference appear.
- setLinkFromArticles(SortedMap<String, XMLParentArticle>) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Set the articles from which there is a reference to this article.
- setLinkFromArticles(SortedMap<String, XMLParentArticle>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the articles from which there is a reference to this article.
- setLinksFromFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the article links from XML file.
- setLinksFromFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Set the article links from XML file.
- setLinksFromFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Do nothing.
- setLinksFromFile(File) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Set the article links from XML file.
- setLinksFromFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the article links from XML file.
- setLowerCase(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Set that the first character of the reference should be kept in lower case.
- setMail(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMailLink
Set the email.
- setMargin(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the image margin.
- setMeta(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the meta description to be used for the article for the dictionnary or categories.
- setMeta(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the meta description to be used for the article for the dictionnary or categories.
- setMeta(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Set the meta description to be used for the article for the dictionnary or categories.
- setModifiers(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Set the modifiers.
- setModifiers(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Set the modifiers.
- setModule(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLJavaAPI
Set the module.
- setNote(NoteContent) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLNoteRef
Set the note.
- setNotesTwoColumns(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set if the notes layout is on two columns.
- setOnAnchor(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Set the word as being put on an existing anchor.
- setOriginalLink(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArchiveURL
Set the original article link.
- setOtherText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSeeAlsoHeading
Set the SeeAlso associated text for the destination article.
- setOutputFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the article output XML file.
- setOutputFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Set the article output XML file.
- setOutputFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Set the article output XML file.
- setOutputFile(File) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Set the article output XML file.
- setOutputFile(File, File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the article output XML file.
- setOutputFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the article output XML file.
- setOutputPath(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Set the resource output path.
- setPackage(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the package ID of the article.
- setPackage(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Set the package ID of the article.
- setPackage(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the package ID of the article.
- setPackage(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Set the package ID of the article.
- setPadding(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set the padding of the table rows.
- setParent(TreeElement) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
- setParentAPI(XMLIncludedAPI) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Set the parent API.
- setParentList(XMLList) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ListElement
Set the parent list.
- setParentList(XMLList) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Set the parent list.
- setParentList(XMLList) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLListItem
Set the parent list.
- setParentStyle(XMLTextStyle) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Do nothing.
- setPath(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Set the path.
- setPath(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Set the path.
- setPath(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Set the video path
- setPreFile(File) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Set the File associated with the pre element.
- setPreviousTitleIndex(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInclude
Set the index of the title or chapter preceding the include element (0 means that there is no title or chapter before the include
- setProjection(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Set the map projection.
- setPublisher(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Set the link reference publisher.
- setQuote(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Set the noteRef associated quote.
- setReason(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Set the reason of the TODO.
- setReason(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Set the reason of the TODO.
- setReferTo(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIndex
Set the article id on which the index is referring to.
- setReferTo(XMLParentArticle) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIndex
Set the article on which the index is referring to.
- setRefID(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Set the referenced article ID.
- setRelativePath(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the relative path of the article XML file, from the associated root.
- setRelativeWidth(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the image relative width.
- setResolved() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set the titled element as being resolved.
- setResolved() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Set the titled element as being resolved.
- setRoot(RootDirectory) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the root directory.
- setRoot(RootDirectory) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Set the root directory.
- setRowSpan(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Set the cell row span.
- setScrollingType(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Set the scrolling type.
- setSearchable(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set if the chapter title is searchable
- setSearchable(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Set if the title is searchable
- setSeeAlsoHeading(XMLSeeAlsoHeading) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the "seeAlso" element in the heading.
- setSeq(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set the title sequence id.
- setSeq(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Set the title sequence id.
- setSize(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Set the HTML named size of the text.
- setSize(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Set the size of the text.
- setSize(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Set the HTML named size of the text.
- setSize(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Set the size of the text.
- setSortable(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set if the table has arrows to sort columns by their content.
- setStartItem(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Set the start item of an ordered (ol) list.
- setStyle(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLReference
Set the style class of the reference.
- setStyle(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSentence
Set the style class of the element.
- setStyle(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Set the style class of the element.
- setSuffix(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the article name suffix.
- setSuffix(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Set the article name suffix.
- setSyntax(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Set the pre syntax.
- setSyntaxType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the article syntax type.
- setTableHeader(XMLTableHeader) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set the table header.
- setTemplate(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set if this article is a template.
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAnchor
Set the anchor text.
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Set the link text.
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExternalLink
Set the link description text.
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFooter
Set the footer text.
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMailLink
Set the mail description text.
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Set the resource text.
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSeeAlso
Set the SeeAlso associated text
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSentence
Set the text.
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Set the text.
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Set the text of the TODO.
- setText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Set the text.
- setThematicBreak(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAPIDoc
Set if the api has thematic breaks("hr").
- setThematicBreak(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Set if the api has thematic breaks("hr").
- setThematicBreak(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Set if the title has a thematic break ("hr") before the title.
- setThisText(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSeeAlsoHeading
Set the SeeAlso associated text for the origin article.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Set the title.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Set the title.
- setTitledElementsList(List<TitledElement>) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set the ordered list of titled elements (chapters or titles).
- setTOC(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Set if the article should have a Table of content.
- setTopBorderType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Set the top border type.
- setTrimLeft(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Set if the text must be trimmed to the left.
- setTrimmedLeftLength(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Set the length of the spaces before the pre on the same line.
- setType(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAudio
Set the audio type.
- setType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Set the type of the comment.
- setType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDate
Set the type.
- setType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Set the message box type.
- setType(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Set the font type of the text.
- setType(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Set the font type of the text.
- setType(short) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Set the type of the TODO.
- setURL(URL) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExternalLink
Set the link URL.
- setURL(URL) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Set the URL.
- setValue(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox.Property
Set the property value.
- setVertical(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set if the table is horizontal or vertical.
- setVertical(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableHeader
Set if the table header is horizontal or vertical.
- setVerticalAlignment(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the vertical alignment of the image.
- setVerticalBorders(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Set if the table cells of the row have vertical borders.
- setWidth(int, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBox
Set the box width.
- setWidth(int, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Set the image width.
- setWidth(int, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Set the Map width.
- setWidth(int, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Set the table width.
- setWidth(int, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableColumn
Set the column width.
- setWidth(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Set the video width.
- setWidths(List<Integer>, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSizedTableRow
Set the row widths.
- setWidths(boolean, int...) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSizedTableRow
Set the row widths.
- setWriteInstruction(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Set the write instruction for the the word.
- SOFT_SHADOW - Static variable in interface org.docgene.model.BorderType
The type with a soft shadowed border.
- startArticle(XMLArticle) - Method in interface org.docgene.plugins.ElementHook
Start the processing of an article.
- STRIKETHROUGH - Static variable in interface org.docgene.model.FontType
The type for crossed fonts.
- STRONG_SHADOW - Static variable in interface org.docgene.model.BorderType
The type with a strong shadowed border.
- StyledElement - Interface in org.docgene.model
Represent an element which can be included in a paragraph.
- SUBSCRIPT - Static variable in interface org.docgene.model.FontType
The type for subscript fonts.
- SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
The Success messageBox type.
- SUPERSCRIPT - Static variable in interface org.docgene.model.FontType
The type for superscript fonts.
- supportedElements() - Method in interface org.docgene.plugins.ElementHook