- WRITE_ANY_SCRIPTS - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write any scripts files.
- WRITE_ARTICLES_TOC - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the articles table of contents.
- WRITE_CATEGORIES - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the categories.
- WRITE_COMMENTS - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the comments.
- WRITE_DICTIONARY - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the dictionary.
- WRITE_FALLBACK - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the fallback articles.
- WRITE_GLOSSARY - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the glossary.
- WRITE_HEADER_FRAME - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the articles header frame.
- WRITE_HTML_FRAMES - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to enclose html article in frames.
- WRITE_IMAGES - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the images.
- WRITE_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the resources files.
- WRITE_SCRIPTS - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the scripts files.
- WRITE_SEEALSO - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write the seeAlso.
- WRITE_SUBDIRECTORIES - Static variable in interface org.docgene.writer.WriterFeatures
The feature to allow to write articles, resources and images in sub-directories.
- writeAnyScripts(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Set if allowing to write any scripts (default is true).
- writeAnyScriptsFeature() - Method in interface org.docgene.writer.DirectoryWriter
Return true if the writer can write scripts.
- writeArticlesHeaderFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Set if articles header frame must be written (default is true).
- writeArticlesHeaderFrame() - Method in interface org.docgene.writer.DirectoryWriter
Return true if the articles header frame must be written.
- writeArticlesTOC(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Set if articles Table of content must be written (default is true).
- writeArticlesTOCFeature() - Method in interface org.docgene.writer.DirectoryWriter
Return true if the articles Table of contents must be generated.
- writeContent() - Method in interface org.docgene.writer.DirectoryWriter
Write the wiki content.
- writeFallback() - Method in interface org.docgene.writer.DirectoryWriter
Return true if allowing to write the fallback articles.
- writeHTMLArticlesFrame() - Method in interface org.docgene.writer.DirectoryWriter
Return true if the html articles can be enclosed in frames.
- writeResources(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Set if allowing to write resources files (default is true).
- writeResourcesFeature() - Method in interface org.docgene.writer.DirectoryWriter
Return true if the writer can write resources files.
- WriterFeatures - Interface in org.docgene.writer
The list of features.
- writeScripts(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Set if allowing to write scripts (default is true).
- writeScriptsFeature() - Method in interface org.docgene.writer.DirectoryWriter
Return true if the writer can write scripts.
- writeSeeAlso(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Set if allowing to write the seeAlso elements (default is true).
- writeSeeAlsoFeature() - Method in interface org.docgene.writer.DirectoryWriter
Return true if the writer can write seeAlso elements.
- writeSubDirectories(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Set if allowing to write articles, resources and images in sub-directories (default is true).
- writeSubDirectories() - Method in interface org.docgene.writer.DirectoryWriter
Return true if allowing to write articles, resources and images in sub-directories.