- registerContextHelp(String, Node) - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.jfx.JFXHelpContentViewer
Add a context sensitive help to a Node.
- registerContextHelp(String, MenuItem) - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.jfx.JFXHelpContentViewer
Add a context sensitive help to a MenuItem.
- registerContextHelp(String, JComponent) - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.swing.SwingHelpContentViewer
Add a context sensitive help to a component.
- registerContextHelp(String, C) - Method in interface org.docgene.help.HelpContentViewer
Add a context sensitive help to a component.
- registerContextHelpScene(Scene) - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.jfx.JFXHelpContentViewer
Add a Scene managed by the context help.
- registerContextHelpWindow(Stage) - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.jfx.JFXHelpContentViewer
Add a Stage managed by the context help.
- registerContextHelpWindow(Window) - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.swing.SwingHelpContentViewer
Add a Window managed by the context help.
- registerContextHelpWindow(W) - Method in interface org.docgene.help.HelpContentViewer
Add a window managed by the context help.
- reloadPage() - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.jfx.JFXHelpContentViewer
Reload the current page.
- reloadPage() - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.swing.SwingHelpContentViewer
Reload the current page.
- reloadPage() - Method in interface org.docgene.help.HelpContentViewer
Reload the current page.
- removeAutoCompleteListener(AutoCompleteListener) - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.swing.autocomplete.JAutoComplete
Removes an JAutoComplete listener.
- removeContainingTextListener(AdditionalSearchListener) - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.swing.autocomplete.JAutoComplete
Removes a containing text listener.
- reset() - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.autocomplete.AutoCompleteDictionary
Reset the Dictionnary to use for the autoComplete.
- resetDictionary() - Method in interface org.docgene.help.gui.autocomplete.AutoComplete
Reset the Dictionnary to use for the autoComplete.
- resetDictionary() - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.jfx.autocomplete.JFXAutoComplete
Reset the Dictionnary to use for the autoComplete.
- resetDictionary() - Method in class org.docgene.help.gui.swing.autocomplete.JAutoComplete
Reset the Dictionnary to use for the autoComplete.
- resetStyleSheetTheme() - Method in interface org.docgene.help.HelpContentViewer
Reset the stylesheet theme.
- resetStyleSheetTheme() - Method in class org.docgene.help.model.ArticlesModel
Reset the stylesheet theme.
- rootPane - Variable in class org.docgene.help.gui.swing.AbstractSwingEngineManager
The content viewer root pane.
- RUSSIAN - Static variable in interface org.docgene.help.locale.Locales
The Russian locale.