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hasAlignment() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableCell
Return true if the cell is aligned.
hasAlternateIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is an alternate index file.
hasAlternateTerms() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesGlossary.Word
Return true if there are alternate terms for the word.
hasAlternateTitles() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.Article
Return true if the article alternate titles.
hasAlternateTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return false.
hasAlternateTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return false.
hasAnchor(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article has an Anchor of a specified title (including the included articles or templates).
hasAnchor(String) - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return true if the article has an Anchor of a specified title (including the included articles or templates).
hasAnchorElement(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article has a titled element of a specified ID.
hasAnchors() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article has anchors.
hasAnchors() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return true if the article has anchors.
hasAPI() - Method in class org.docgene.model.AbstractAPI
Return true if there is a specified API.
hasAPILocation() - Method in class org.docgene.model.AbstractAPI
Return true if the API has a location.
hasArguments() - Method in class org.docgene.model.APIMember
Return true if there are arguments.
hasArgumentsDeclaration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPIMember
Return true if there are arguments declaration.
hasArticle(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model contains an article with no package which can be reached through a specified reference.
hasArticle(String, String, String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model contains an article which can be reached through a specified reference.
hasArticleFromAnyPackage(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model contains an article with no package which can be reached through a specified reference, from any package.
hasArticlesTOC() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if each article must have a Table of contents by default.
hasArticlesToResolve() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesCategories
Return true if there are articles to resolve.
hasAuthor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Return true if the comment has an author.
hasBackground() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is an image file or color to put in the background of the wiki.
hasBackground() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCode
Return true if the code element has a background.
hasBackground() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return true if the pre element has a background.
hasBackgroundImage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return true if there is a background imageDef.
hasBackgroundOpacity() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is a specified background opacity.
hasBorder() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.BorderedElement
Return true if the element has a border.
hasBorder() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if the image has a border.
hasBorder() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
hasBorderColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
hasBorders() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return true if the table has borders.
hasBorders() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return true if the table cells of the row have borders.
hasCaption() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if the image has a caption.
hasCaption() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox
Return true if the infobox has a caption.
hasCaption() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return true if the box has a caption.
hasCaption() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return true if the table has a caption.
hasCategories() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the wiki has categories.
hasCategory(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesCategories
Return true if the model has a category with a specified ID.
hasCategory(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has a category with a specified ID.
hasChildren() - Method in class org.docgene.model.HTMLNode.Default
Return true if the HTML node has children, which can be children nodes or HTML character content.
hasChildren() - Method in class org.docgene.model.HTMLNode.Empty
hasChildren() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.HTMLNode
Return true if the HTML node has children, which can be children nodes or HTML character content.
hasChildren() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Return the tree items elements in the item.
hasCodeBackground() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the "code" and "source" elements have a background.
hasColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return true if the pre has a specified background color.
hasComments() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if there are comments.
hasComments() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCommentList
Return true if there are comments.
hasCommentsDatabaseScript() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is a comments database.
hasConcreteImage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if the image definition has an associated concrete image.
hasCondition() - Method in class org.docgene.model.AbstractXMLParentArticle
Return true if the article has a condition.
hasCondition() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.Article
Return true if the article has a condition.
hasConstructors() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return true if there are constructors declarations in the API.
hasCustomGlossaryMenuItem(boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if there is a custom glossary menu item.
hasCustomMenu() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMenu
Return true if the menu has a custom HTML content.
hasCustomMenuItems() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMenu
Return true if the menu has custom menu items.
hasCustomRows() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return true if the table has rows with custom widths.
hasDate() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLComment
Return true if the comment has a date.
hasDecoration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.AbstractStylableText
Return true if the text has a decoration.
hasDecoration() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StylableText
Return true if the text has a decoration.
hasDecoration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return true if the text has a decoration.
hasDecoration() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return true if the text has a decoration.
hasDefaultContent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.OpaqueArticle
Return true if there is a default content for the opaque article. if there is a default content and the associated file does not exist, then the article will be created with only the default content.
hasDictionary() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the wiki has a dictionary.
hasDictionaryFile() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if there is a dictionary File.
hasDisambArticle(ArticleRef) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if there is a disambiguation article corresponding to an article reference.
hasDisambArticle(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has a disambiguation article for a specified description.
hasDocElement(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.AbstractXMLAPIDoc
Return true if there are elements declarations of a specified name in the API.
hasEffectiveWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableColumn
Return true if the column has an effective width.
hasElasticLunrScript() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is an ElasticLunr script.
hasElements() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ParagraphElementParent
Return true if there are children elements.
hasExtensionType() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExtendedImage
Return true if an extension type is defined on this image.
hasFallbackArticle(char) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return a fallback article.
hasFields() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return true if there are fields declarations in the API.
hasFillColor() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
hasFixedLeftMenuOptions() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the options in the left menu are always present (meaning that all options are present even for the page on which we are).
hasFixedMenuOptions() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMenu
Return true if the options in the menu are always present.
hasFontFace() - Method in class org.docgene.model.AbstractStylableText
Return true if the text has a font face.
hasFontFace() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StylableText
Return true if the text has a font face.
hasFontFace() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return true if the text has a font face.
hasFontFace() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return true if the text has a font face.
hasFullTextSearch() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is a full text search.
hasFullTextSearch() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has full text Search.
hasGenerationByDelta() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return the generation mode.
hasGenerationExceptions() - Method in class org.docgene.api.DocGeneratorAPI
Return true if the resolving triggered parsing or consistency exceptions.
hasGlobalIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if there is a global index.
hasGlossary() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the articles have a glossary.
hasGlossaryItem() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMenu
Return true if the menu has a custom glossary item.
hashCode() - Method in class org.docgene.model.ArticleRef
hashCode() - Method in class org.docgene.model.OpaqueArticle
hashCode() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
hasHeight() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if the image has a specified height.
hasHeight() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return true if the Map has a specified height.
hasHeight() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return true if the image has a specified height.
hasHighlightScript() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is a highlight script.
hasHorizontalBorders() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return true if the table cells of the row have horizontal borders.
hasHRef() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ImageReference
Return true if this image reference an image path.
hasHRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if this image reference an image path.
hasHRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return true if this messageBox references an imageDef path.
hasID() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.Article
Return true if the article has a separate ID.
hasID() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ImageReference
Return true if this image reference an image ID.
hasID() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.NoteContent
Return true if the node has an ID.
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.OpaqueArticle
Return true if the article has a separate ID.
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article has a separate ID.
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBasicNote
Return true if the node has an ID.
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLCitation
Return true if the node has an ID.
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return false.
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return false.
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if this image reference an mageDef ID
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return true if this messageBox references an imageDef ID
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return true if the article has a separate ID.
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return true if the article has a separate ID.
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return true if this resource reference an resource ID
hasID() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLWord
Return true if this anchor has an id.
hasIEHighestCompatibility() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the compatibility mode for Internet Explorer is set to the highest.
hasImage(String, String, String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has an image for a specified id and package.
hasImage(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has an image with no package of a specified ID.
hasImageDefinition() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ImageReference
Return true if this image references an image definition
hasImageDefinition() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if this image references an image definition
hasImageDefinition() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return true if this message box reference an image definition
hasImageForAllPackages(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has an image for a specified id (for all packages).
hasImageMap() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLExtendedImage
Return true if the image has an image Map.
hasImageMap() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return false.
hasImageMaps() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.Article
Return true if the article has image maps.
hasImageMaps() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article has image maps.
hasImageReference() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ImageReference
Return true if this image references an image definition or path.
hasImageReference() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if this image reference an image definition or path
hasImageReference() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return true if this messageBox reference an imageDef definition or path
hasImages() - Method in class org.docgene.model.AbstractXMLParentArticle
Return true if this article has at least one image.
hasImages() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.Article
Return true if this article has at least one image.
hasImages() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has images.
hasIncludes() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the list of included articles or templates is not empty.
hasIncludes() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return true if the list of included articles or templates is not empty.
hasIncrementalGeneration() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the incremental generation is set.
hasIndex() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has already an index article.
hasInfobox(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if there is an infobox definition of a specified ID.
hasInfobox(String, String, String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has an infobox definition for a specified id and package.
hasInfoboxes() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article has infoboxes.
hasInfoboxes() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return true if the article has infoboxes.
hasInfos() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMoreInfo
Return true if there are children references.
hasInlinedStyle() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StyledElement
Return true if the element has custom inline style.
hasJQueryScript() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is a JQuery script.
hasJQueryTableSorterScript() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is a JQueryTableSorter script.
hasJQueryUICSS() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is a jQuery UI CSS.
hasJQueryUIScript() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is a jQueryUI script.
hasKey(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.Localization
Return true if a key is supported.
hasLeaderLineScript() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is a LeaderLine script.
hasLeftImage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.HeaderElement
Return true if there is an associated left image.
hasLeftText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHeader
Return true if the header has a left text.
hasLibrary() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLJavaAPI
Return true if the Java API has a stored corresponding library.
hasLightbox() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if images have a lightbox effect.
hasLimit() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the maximum number of articles in the same directory is limited.
hasLineNumber() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ElementReference
Return true if this reference has a line number.
hasLinksFrom() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the articles must have a "What Links Here" link.
hasMapResizerScript() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the map resizer script exists.
hasMaps() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.Article
Return true if the article has Maps.
hasMaps() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article has Maps.
hasMenuItems() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMenu
Return true if the menu has menu items.
hasMessageBoxes() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if there are message boxes.
hasMessageBoxes() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return true if there are message boxes.
hasMethods() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return true if there are methods declarations in the API.
hasNoBorders() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return true if the table cells of the row have no borders.
hasNote(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if there is a note for a specified id.
hasNotes() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.Article
Return true if the article has notes.
hasNotes() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return true if the article has notes.
hasNotesTooltips() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the notes have a corresponding tooltip.
hasOpenLayerScript() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is an OpenLayer script.
hasOutputFile() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.HTMLOutput
Return true if the HTML root element has an output file.
hasPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.ArticleRef
Return true if the article belongs to a package
hasPackage(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if a package exists.
hasPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.HeaderElement
Return true if the article has a package.
hasPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.OpaqueArticle
Return true if the article has a package.
hasPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article has a package.
hasPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLDisambArticle
Return false.
hasPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLFallbackArticle
Return true if the article has a package.
hasPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return true if the article has a package.
hasPackage() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRedirect
Return true if the article has a package.
hasPackages() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if there are packages.
hasPageRanks() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if there are computed PageRanks.
hasPageRankSearch() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the search uses the PageRank algorithm.
hasParent() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.TreeElement
Return true if there is a parent tree.
hasParent() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAPIDocElement
Return true if this element has a parent.
hasParentList() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ListElement
Return true if there is a parent list.
hasPreBackground() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the "pre" elements have a background.
hasProperty(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLInfobox
Return true if the infobox has a property of a specified key.
hasRawArticles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if this model has at least one raw HTML file.
hasRawHTMLContent() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.HTMLRootElement
Return true if the HTMLRootElement has raw html content.
hasReason() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.TodoElement
Return true if the TODO has a reason.
hasReason() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMessageBox
Return true if the TODO has a reason.
hasReason() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodo
Return true if the TODO has a reason.
hasReference() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesGlossary.Word
Return true if the word has a reference to an anchor or article.
hasRelaxedSyntax() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the syntax of the articles is relaxed.
hasResource(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has a resource with no package of a specified ID.
hasResource(String, String, String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has a resource for a specified id and package.
hasResourceDefinition() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLResource
Return true if this resource references a resource definition
hasReviewElements() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if there are review elements.
hasRightText() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLHeader
Return true if the header has a right text.
hasRoots() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.HTMLRootElement
Return true if the HTMLRootElement has roots.
hasSearch() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the UI has a Search box.
hasSearchableTitles() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.Article
Return true if the article has searchable titles.
hasSearchableTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article has searchable titles.
hasSearchableTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLRawHTMLArticle
Return true if the article has searchable titles.
hasSearchLimit() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if there is a search limit.
hasSearchOnAnchors() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the search on anchors is selected.
hasSearchOnTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the search on titles or anchors is selected.
hasSeq() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.TitledElement
Return true if the titled element has a forced sequence id.
hasSeq() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLChapter
Return true if the title has a forced sequence id.
hasSeq() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Return true if the title has a forced sequence id.
hasShadow() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.BorderedElement
Return true if the element has a shadowed border.
hasShadow() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLBlock
Return true if the image has a shadowed border.
hasShadow() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if the image has a shadowed border.
hasShadow() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTree
Return true if the image has a shadowed border.
hasShadow() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTreeItem
Return true if the image has a shadowed border.
hasSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.AbstractStylableText
Return true if the text has a size.
hasSize() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.StylableText
Return true if the text has a size.
hasSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if the image has a specified size.
hasSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return true if the Map has a specified size.
hasSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSpan
Return true if the text has a size.
hasSize() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTextStyle
Return true if the text has a size.
hasSpecificStyle() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return true if the pre elemetn has a specified background color or a border.
hasSpecifiedWikiTitle() - Method in class org.docgene.main.Configuration
Return true if the wiki title is specified.
hasStartItem() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLList
Return true if there is a start item of an ordered (ol) list.
hasSuffix() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.Article
Return true if the article has a name suffix (used for articles which have the name of an already existing article).
hasSyntax() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return true if the pre has a syntax.
hasThematicBreak() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLAPIDoc
Return true if the api has thematic breaks("hr").
hasThematicBreak() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLIncludedAPI
Return true if the api has thematic breaks("hr").
hasThematicBreak() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTitle
Return true if the title has a thematic break ("hr") before the title.
hasTimestamp() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArchiveURL
Return true if there is a timestamp.
hasTitledElementsList() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if there is a list of titled elements (chapters or titles).
hasTitledElementsList() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.XMLParentArticle
Return true if there is a list of titled elements (chapters or titles).
hasTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if at least one article has a searchable title.
hasTitles() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article has at least one title.
hasTOC() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.Article
Return true if the article should have a Table of content (true by default).
hasTOC() - Method in class org.docgene.model.OpaqueArticle
Return true if the article should have a Table of content (true by default).
hasTOC() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLArticle
Return true if the article should have a Table of content (true by default).
hasTODOs() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTodoList
Return true if there are non empty todos.
hasTransitiveArticle(String, String, String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has a concrete article for a specified id and package.
hasTransitiveArticle(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesModel
Return true if the model has a concrete article for a specified id and package.
hasTrimmedLeftLength() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLPre
Return true the length of the spaces before the pre on the same line if not 0.
hasUniqueElement() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.ListElement
Return true.
hasUniqueElement() - Method in interface org.docgene.model.TreeElement
Return true.
hasUniqueElement() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return true.
hasUniqueRef() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMoreInfo
Return true if this is a unique reference.
hasVerticalBorders() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return true if the table cells of the row have vertical borders.
hasWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLImage
Return true if the image has a specified width.
hasWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLMap
Return true if the Map has a specified width.
hasWidth(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSizedTableRow
Return true if the row has a specified width for one cell.
hasWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTable
Return true if the table has a specified width.
hasWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableColumn
Return true if the column has a specified width.
hasWidth(int) - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return true if the row has a specified width for one cell.
hasWidth() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLVideo
Return true if the image has a specified width.
hasWidths() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLSizedTableRow
Return true if the row has specified widths for its cells.
hasWidths() - Method in class org.docgene.model.XMLTableRow
Return true if the row has specified widths for its cells.
hasWord(String) - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesGlossary.Letter
Return true if the letter contains a specified word definition.
hasWordAnchors() - Method in class org.docgene.model.globals.ArticlesGlossary.Word
Return true if there are word anchors for this word.
HeaderElement - Class in org.docgene.model
An abstract class for headers and footers.
HeaderElement() - Constructor for class org.docgene.model.HeaderElement
HEIGHT_ABSOLUTE - Static variable in interface org.docgene.model.ImageHeightType
Represents the vcase where the image height is absolute.
HEIGHT_RELATIVE - Static variable in interface org.docgene.model.ImageHeightType
Represents the vcase where the image height is relative.
HEIGHT_TEXT - Static variable in interface org.docgene.model.ImageHeightType
Represents the vcase where the image height is the same as the text.
HELP - Static variable in interface org.docgene.main.OutputType
The Help output type.
HELVETICA - Static variable in interface org.docgene.api.FontFace
HOME - Static variable in class org.docgene.model.globals.DefaultMenuItem
The type for the HOME menu item.
HOME - Static variable in class org.docgene.model.globals.Localization
"home": The name for accessing the Home page.
HTML - Static variable in interface org.docgene.main.OutputType
The HTML output type.
HTMLCharacters - Class in org.docgene.model
Represent character content inside an HTML node.
HTMLCharacters(String) - Constructor for class org.docgene.model.HTMLCharacters
HTMLElement - Interface in org.docgene.model
Represent any element inside an HTML node.
HTMLNode - Interface in org.docgene.model
Represent an HTML node.
HTMLNode.Default - Class in org.docgene.model
The node used for all allowed html tags.
HTMLNode.Empty - Class in org.docgene.model
The empty node, used for not allowed html tags.
HTMLOutput - Interface in org.docgene.model
An HTML root element associated with an output File.
HTMLRootElement - Interface in org.docgene.model
Represent an HTML included content.
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